KISS is an acronym. It stands for Keep It Smart and Simple. This is what the search engines like, if you provide your web site with the META content for the title, description and keywords. They do not like lengthy texts. Quality counts, not quantity...
Web Development development search engines keywords title description textThere comes a time when the internet bug hits us all and we tendto acquire a wealth of domain names and web sites to feed ourfrenzy.We start out with the best intentions, set up a personal homepage with a few details about ourselves, then create more...
Web Development development reseller hosting account sites friendsWhat an Automated Web Site Can Do for Your Business by: Halstatt Pires As your Internet business grows, your free time will dwindle. Site changes will become time consuming and stressful. Automate your site and you can use your time for better ...
Web Development development automated time database changes pages changeTurn Harmful 404 Error Pages Into Helpful 301 Redirects by: Tony Simpson It's a fact, Page Not Found, known as a 404 error, can harm your website Ranking with Search Engines as well as being a Turn-Off for Visitors. A search engine that rep...
Web Development development redirect file search error happenInternet has been the biggest field of business for the past decade and then some. Since the turn of the century, the happening recreational platform became the biggest free information, integration, and interaction space. The Internet became a world...
Online Business online business content services people ecommerce developmentWeb design firms in India are many. Good web design firm in India are many. The best of web design firms in India are many. But the legitimacy in such claims is still doubted. The fact of the matter remains that outsource web design firms in India th...
Web Development development design india business services designsYou can find mostly these types of websites that are mostly developed these days and they are static sites as well as dynamic sites because there is various importance of each of these techniques. Which one you are going to opt should be as per your ...
Web Development development sites static dynamicReview on QuarkXpress 6.0 by: Mart Gil Abareta After almost two decades of existence, Quark has become the basic building block of any print designer’s toolkit. It has deservedly gained a reputation for reliable printing, offering consistent a...
Web Development development quarkxpress lets synchronized layoutFor beginners who are interested in learning basic Web development by using HTML (HyperText Markup Language) here are some helpful HTML tags to start practicing with. Listed below is the basic framework you will need to create an HTML page:< itle>Thi...
Web Development development tags title whereBefore using keywords for your site, it is always better to check for the popularity of these sub theme keywords. Some or all of the tools mentioned in the keywords tools section could be utilized to measure the popularity of these keywords. Based on...
Web Development development keywords competition tools theme words phrase