After my two-part article about selling things on your website, I had several people ask for more details on billing companies and shopping carts. So here goes.If you were to Google for billing card companies, you'd find out that there are thous...
Web Development development shopping cart billingComputer screens are hard on the eyes, and their limited size forces users to scroll. This makes reading online harder, slower and more uncomfortable than reading on print. Following are a few simple tips that you can follow to make the experience of...
Web Development development font discussion reading pagesWhen the web was in its infancy, websites were a couple of columns oftext and color. It's been a long time since first generation web designand yet many people are content with their static andconsequentially boring websites.Many speak of flash ...
Web Development development flash interactive password willBecause I look at the world through frames (my glasses, that is)they've never bothered me that much on the web. They don't makeme jump up and down for joy, mind you, but I've managed tocultivate enough patience to deal with them in mos...
Web Development development frames users likeFramesSome of the most god-awful sites I’ve ever seen have used frames. To be fair though, I’veseen some that used tables that were just as bad. Frames require what is called a "Frameset" page. This is the most important thing. If it’s layedout...
Web Development development tables background framesWith any good business plan, the defining of a primary goaland primary audience goes hand in hand with deciding whatproduct or service you will market. However, with the floodof entrepreneurs to the Internet, I have watched an interestingreverse tren...
Web Development development primary goal fishing willGoogle AdSense is a great way for webmasters to monetizetheir websites. While many webmasters are struggling hardto earn $3 - $10 per day, some 'genius' webmasters havealready enjoyed $30, $100, and even $300 a day from AdSenseads on their...
Web Development development adsense pages tips webmasters linksTo have a presence on the internet, one of the most important aspects to the success of your website is the name of the domain. It is getting increasingly difficult to find a quality name that both represents the contents of your site and can be eas...
Web Development development name ensure neverI'm sure as you've cruised around the web you've run across the term "beta release" or "beta test version" or something to that effect. You may also have heard "alpha test" or "public preview" and other similar terms. What the heck do ...
Web Development development beta testers product testing programThe development of a project is typically done in four different phases. In the project analysis phase, a market research is conducted to determine the courses that need to be developed and the information that they should cover. In the design phase,...
Writing writing development phase project course design content team feedback