3 articles on "discouraged"

Morse Code Helps Man Live With Physical Disability

In 1979, eleven year old Steve Harper, unable to speak due to the physical disability, cerebral palsy, had never heard of Morse code and was struggling to communicate with a head stick, symbol board and typewriter. Using these methods made communicat...

Health  health steve unable typewriter discouraged constantly
Blogging and Squidoo, a Marriage Made in Heaven

If you haven't jumped on the blogging bandwagon, it's not too late! Not by a long shot. There are thousands of new blogs created each and every day. Unfortunately, almost as many are abandoned each and every day. Only a few make it into any...

Site Promotion  site promotion reasons discouraged blog blogging
10 SURE Ways on How to Fight Discouragement

10 Sure Ways to Fight Discouragement Sometimes your actions do not yield the results you want and discouragement kicks in. Getting out of it is about shifting your state of mind and not staying stuck in it. Here are 10 sure ways of eliminating discou...

Business And Finance  business finance minutes things discouraged