121 articles on "does"

My Teenaged Parents

eenaged Parents by: Phyllis Staff Frankly, as a single parent of young children, I struggled. But, as the single parent of teenagers, I stunk! Faced with the reality of children who could (and did) do whatever they really, really wanted to do, I...

Health  health doesnapost parent just
Romance - Can It Last?

Romance - Can It Last? by: Thelma Mariano I’m a sucker for romance. I love movies where boy meets girl, boy loses girl and, against all odds, they find their way back to each other. Or films about star-crossed lovers, as in Bridges of Madison ...

Women  women romance does
Does English Grammar Software Improve Your Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling?

Is English Grammar Software an "All-In-One" Writing Tool? Would You Like to Write Your Emails, Letters, Reports, and Blog Postings With Correct Written English in Every Sentence. This Type of Software Claims to Check Your Grammar, Style, Spelling, a...

Writing  writing software program english errors grammar does
Why The Internet Doesn't Work

I started selling things in the fifth grade. Seeds, door to door.Some of my friends would try that for a couple days, too. Even amonth. Then they would hold meetings about how selling seedsdidn't work.Well, at least that's how the meetings ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation work doesnapostaposs donapost
Meeting I within YOU

Have you lost somewhere in your direction? Meet I within YOU. I is a person who sets within us but now a days he is very alone. In this fast world, we have just forgotten him.We have someone so special who can guide us 24 hours and 365 days. He doesn...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation guidein life doesnapost someone
Life is a Continuous Prayer

Life is a Continuous PrayerPayer doesn't just happen when we kneel or put our handstogether and focus. Prayer actually occurs more often thanwe think.Place yourself in your car. See yourself driving along.You see a green light and think, "Please...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation prayer thems doesnapostself
Day Trading Tips Worth Reading

Day Trading Tips Worth Reading by: Mike Reed Are you tired of the same old day trading tips? Like, “cut your losses and let your profits run.” “Never let a gain turn into a loss.”, or the most repeated tip, “Buy low, sell high.” So ...

Business And Finance  business finance trading trade doesnt stop
Keeping Up With...

Keeping Up With... by: Cathy Bryant ...the Jones's? The Smiths? The latest internet "sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, knock-down last, best opportunity?" Makes you want to pull your hair out, doesn't it? I'm here to tell you...don&ap...

Online Business  online business doesnapost
The Happiest Person In America: What'S Sex Got To Do With It?

Happiest Person In America: What'S Sex Got To Do With It? by: David Leonhardt Who is the happiest person in America? USA Today featured Happiest Person in a cover story in its USA Weekend magazine. Bad news: it's not you. Nor is it me....

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation person happiest seligman does
The Truth About Money and Happiness

We often hear this idea about money and happiness passed around in modern society. This idea that money is not the key to happiness, and, in fact, that money does not really matter at all. Our society has embraced this idea that money is unimportant....

Online Business  online business money happiness matter idea does