1,021 articles on "ducts"

Why I Need a Website?

Why I Need a Website? by: Alan Cole Cost Effective Advertising. Online selling. Increased geopgraphic range. Wider customer base Efficient marketing. Improved customer support. Succesful market research. Customer feedback. Just a few of the rea...

Marketing  marketing customers business products
“Building Affiliate 'Super Sites' to Stand Out from the Crowd”

“Building Affiliate 'Super Sites' to Stand Out from the Crowd” by: Ewen Chia One mistake new affiliate marketers make time and again is thinking that their 'product' is the merchant's product. While one can certainl...

Online Business  online business content product products
10 Blazing Ways To Sky-Rocket Your Profits

1. Use a "P.S." at the end of your ad copy. This is were you either want to repeat a strong benefit or use a strong close like a free bonus. 2. Publish a free ebook and give it away from your web site or in your e-zine. This will increase your traffi...

Business And Finance  business finance products visitors give
10 Sizzling Ways To Ignite Your Profits

10 Sizzling Ways To Ignite Your Profits by: Rudy Cline 1. Create a memorable logo and slogan to brand your business on the internet. When they see your slogan or logo it will remind them of your business. 2. Multiply your marketing all over the...

Online Business  online business give sales products just
Ezine Publishers, Don't Be Long-Sighted!

Ezine Publishers, Don't Be Long-Sighted! by: Mike Beatham Dear E-Publisher/marketer, I want you to think about the following: How valuable has your email list been to you in the past year? What are you trying to achieve with your ezine(...

Site Promotion  site promotion products time customer

When you see the term "MLM" or "network marketing," severalcompanies or old-hat opportunities may come to mind. While someof these organizations are notorious for not delivering theresults they promise, there are a great number of them that aredoing ...

Marketing  marketing network money products health
Refine Your Company's eNewsletter to Increase Its Viral Potential

Just as your business can't be everything to everybody, you should structure your company's enewsletter following the same rule. It is your most powerful PR and marketing tool. Unleash its viral potential by providing your readers with info...

Marketing  marketing enewsletter business create products services
Network Marketing - Its All About Customers

Copyright © 2003 Priya ShahLeadership, Visualization, Goal-setting, blah, blah... All network marketers have heard that jargon at one time or another. But you know what? It's just that - Jargon.When you share with your team, the lessons you...

Marketing  marketing business products network
Stay At Home Mom & CEO

Gone are the days when a woman had to choose a career or her family. The Internet has changed everything! Now any woman can run her own successful online business while staying home with her children.Imagine! You arise in the morning while the childr...

Women  women products product online will
Is This The Kind Of Easy Home Based Business You Want?

The Internet is very competitive depending on the type of home business you. If you want to find an easy home business to get involved in you should consider niche affiliate marketing. Let's take a look at answering why I feel this is the kind ...

Online Business  online business niche products