500 articles on "ears"

Bear Hunting Make Your Hunting More Pleasurable

Though bear hunting and trading is illegal and prohibited due to endangered situation, this is still in practice. Bears are known for the imposing size, sharp sense, elusiveness and their ferocity, they are the most preferred animals for hunting. Bea...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports hunting bear bears area
Mexico City - 5 Things To See And Do

Despite resting on the ancient Aztec capital, Mexico City is an example of a modern city that is pushing for progress. At roughly 23 million inhabitants, it is one of the biggest cities in the world, and visitors will be spoilt for choice with the wi...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure city mexico aztec capital years
In Bed With a Stranger

We're told we don't know someone until we've lived with them but there have been too many stories that prove that, even then, we don't really know the person. We may know their hot buttons, their favorite color, their thinking pat...

Relationships  relationships donapost years someone
The Gospel of Writing According to Marilyn: Chapters 1 - 2

Chapter 1: Expect to Write, and Write, and Write Some More... The first advice I give my authors is the most simple, and quite often the most difficult. And that is, to expect to write. And I mean write. You can't just talk or read about it. Th...

Writing  writing write years through
Back to School Avoid shortcuts that turn into detours.

When Janine (a real person, name and details disguised) decided to get a graduate degree, she thought she was making a savvy career move. She signed up for an online program to avoid "sitting through all those classes." Three years after beginning he...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation program years research year online graduate
The History of Dogs

The History of dogsDogs belong to the Canid family (Canidae).Dogs first appeared about 40 million years ago, before any other carnivore families like bears or cats.Carnivores have a pair of teeth similar to blades that are called carnassials. These t...

Family  family dogs years breed species
Build A Better Mousetrap, And People Will Buy It

This is an old saying that many of us have grown up hearing since we were children, but the problem is improving on an invention that has been around for years. This is especially true for simple inventions like the common pet identification tag, or ...

Family  family contact lost owners years
This is my Story

This is My Story (And I have to stick to it, I don’t want to, but that is the way it is)I am currently in Recovery from Drug Addiction. I have been clean now for nearly eight years. I relapsed on my drug of choice-cocaine-when my mother died in 19...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation years brother didnt would
Quick Weight Loss Secrets

Quick Weight Loss Secrets by: Lance Walker The Secrets have been in our family recipes, some even date back as far as 3000 BC. For years our Ancient ancestors have been using natural herbs and spices to heal and cure, even to take the weight off...

Health  health natural years using
The Way to Extend a Lease with No Fuss

How do I extend my lease? What can I get when I extend? How much will it cost me? How do I start the process? These are the questions people wanting to extend their lease need answers to. This article provides a basic guide on how to extend your leas...

Legal  legal lease extend extension years