3 articles on "enabled"

Bluetooth Now Poised To Fulfill Its Promise

Bluetooth Now Poised To Fulfill Its Promise by: Raymond Klesc No question about it, Bluetooth is very handy thanks to its improved integration with computers, cell phones and automobiles. When Bluetooth first appeared about five years ago, the h...

Computers And Internet  computers internet bluetooth phones technology enabled
Redefining Distance to Market your Company

fining Distance to Market your Company by: Lee Traupel The recent terrorist attacks here in the US have caused many companies and individuals to rethink how they want to market to and work with others. As a result, web-enabled presentations and ...

Online Business  online business presentations presentation meetings standard enabled
Walmart is Watching ... Almost

The New York Times reported that the RFID rollout at Walmart has slowed down. Actually, the first deployment of RFID at Walmart is only at the pallet level, not at the product level, so all Walmart will track initially is how pallets of products move...

Computers And Internet  computers internet rfid volume walmart channels enabled