535 articles on "energy"

Need Hot Water? - Do It Yourself with Solar Power

Solar power is one of the cheapest forms of energy available. It's not harmful to the environment and it's obviously in abundance. So, what do we do with all this cheap solar power? We use it to our advantage and harness some of that "Free"...

Environment  environment water solar energy heater
Boosters & Drainers

Like huge anchors on cruise ships, other people can hold you down. Not intentionally, but their negativity impacts you. It’s hard to be winning at working when you’re anchored in place. It’s hard to see the next great idea and enthusiastically...

Business And Finance  business finance energy people work around
Replace Those Drafty Windows Before Winter

Summer is ending, and it is time to close your windows to help keep your house warm. Unfortunately, many people have windows that allow drafts to enter. You may not even be aware of it. A drafty window can prevent your house from being as warm as you...

Home Improvement  home improvement windows energy window install
Seeking Your Passion? Inquire Within!

Seeking Your Passion? Inquire Within! by: Fran Hendrick We hear a lot these days about “passion.” Everywhere we look, it seems like someone is telling us to “find our passion,” to “follow our passion,” to “live passionately.” In ...

Women  women energy passion there
Managing Carbon Emissions

"There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew". Marshall McLuhan, 1964 My colleague Ashank and I were listening to a presentation by Anmol, a bright young man whose firm had been engaged by Mastek, my company, to study our carbon foot...

Environment  environment energy travel trees
Electrify Your Marketing Using Positive Energy

Electrify Your Marketing Using Positive Energy by: Hirini Reedy Many internet entrepreneurs need to often stop and reflect on their results. A bit like an engineer checking your energy circuits. Finding where the most flow and resistance occurs....

Online Business  online business positive energy negative time mind find
Build a Storehouse of Energy and Resiliency

Build a Storehouse of Energy and Resiliency by: Steve BrunkhorstDid you ever feel like your "get-up-and-go" got up and deserted you? Has a stressful situation left you feeling drained and unmotivated to perform the simplest tasks?Most of us have...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation energy time things reserve will
How to Use Color in Your Perennial Garden

Just like most things in life, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If purple blooms put a smile on your face, then you should most definitely use plants with purple blooms. The same is true for any color you find pleasing. There are different disci...

Home Improvement  home improvement color design space energy
The Feng Shui of Procrastination

What does procrastination have to do with Feng Shui?Actually, everything! Feng Shui is about the free flow of energy in your environment and in yourself. It’s also about creating environments that support your success and pull you forward.What’s ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation willself energy where
10 Simple Ways to Naturally Increase Your Energy

1. Eat protein at every meal: One of the most important ways to keep your blood sugar balanced and energy levels high is to include protein at every meal, breakfast and snacks included. The best protein sources include fish, organic meat, chicken, e...

Health  health energy sugar protein levels food which