535 articles on "energy"

How Did A Multiple Of Thousands Dramatically Diminish Their Utility Bills, Seamlessly And Legally In New York?

Hello, Are you aware that right at present, the most extensive free enterprise movement in the history of the United States is in progress? It's occurring with ENERGY. How will this affect you? If you reside in New York, and you pay Con Ediso...

Environment  environment energy ambit service enterprise
The Greater Good

As man developed he needed to have forms of decision-making or government. The family unit or clan and ‘extended family’ may still be the best form of government as Elders wisely chose to manage their people. The ‘paternalistic benevolent’ p...

Government  government energy there
Alternative Energy Technologies - An Overview

Adding up the alternatives Energy is not running out, nor will run out ever. The problem lies with the environmental and political consequences of the current energy consumption, not that there are less energy resources are available. That's wh...

Environment  environment energy power fuels fuel solar
How Do I Reduce the Cost of Energy In My Home Through Renewable Energy?

How do i reduce the cost of energy in my home with solar panel and wind turbine? This is a question many homeowners are asking themselves now. Using ecological means to produce energy through alternative sources is becoming a more and more popular so...

Environment  environment energy wind source much
Why DrinkACT Is The Best Natural Energy Choice!

So your family needs more energy because of all the activity that takes place. However, the energy drinks on the store shelves these days just aren't so healthy for us. And as a result, I refuse to even bring them into our home. The good news is...

Health  health drinkact energy healthy drink family caffeine
Tapping Primal Life Force

When the residents of the Scottish spiritual community of Findhorn first encountered Pan in the forest, Pan asked them to convey a message from the Beings of Nature to the rest of humanity. Pan said: “Tell them, ‘We never left—you did.’”The...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life energy force natural free
The Golden Age Of Natural Gas Is Here

A recent report published by the IEA (International Energy Agency) entitled "Are we entering a golden age of gas? " sparked a series of discussions across the globe about the future of gas. Many energy market experts came forward to express their opi...

Business And Finance  business finance report energy golden unpredicted
The Best Team Building Idea Secret is to Create Lots of Energy and Enthusiasm

If you are looking for a fantastic team building idea or a secret to conducting a great team building event, the best piece of wisdom I have ever come across is the importance of energy and enthusiasm. Often times, event planners or people who are or...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation team energy building activity event
A Look At Active And Passive Solar Systems

Solar power is a viable alternative for many homes. They can be used in areas that do not get a substantial amount of sunlight. There are two main ways that solar power can be used in a home or business and it is up to an individual home or business ...

Environment  environment solar business power possible energy
Anyone Can Go Green! Make an Impact from Your Very Own Home

Everyone can have an impact on the environment! Just by switching to more efficient energy sources and performing routine maintenance and upgrades, you can go green and save green all at the same time! Endangered species. Global warming. Greenhouse ...

Environment  environment energy local heating