4 articles on "equality"

Gender Equality In Business We've Come a Long Way, But We Still

The state of gender equality has vastly improved in the past fewdecades. Career, education and business opportunities havereally opened up for women, and we are seeing successful femalesin many different situations. But have we truly reachedequality?...

Women  women business gender equality even
Gender Equality In Business We've Come a Long Way, But We Still

have a long way to go. Gender equality in business has been a topic of discussion for decades. Women have been fighting for their rights to be treated fairly in the workplace for years, and although progress has been made, there is still a lot of wo...

Women  women business gender equality even
Creating A Prenuptial Agreement

Creating A Prenuptial Agreement by: Jeffrey Broobin Embarking upon a marriage is a wonderful time in life - emotions are running high and you have great optimism about the future you will build together. The last thing you want to do is jeopardi...

Women  women marriage agreement equality prenuptial financial
The Bitch and Equality: KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID!

Well Darlings, Equality. It is a simple word. It has a simple meaning. Basically it is the quality of being the same in quantity, measure, value or status. So why don't we have one simple law that says all humankind must be considered equal and...

Government  government equality simple female into