4 articles on "familyk"

Send Thank You Cards for Your Loved Ones

Thank you cards is one way of showing your appreciation as well as gratitude to those people who have shown you support and concern during trying and troubled times. You may have encountered an emotional bump or a professional slump in your personal ...

Family  familyk design cards well
Thanksgiving Memories

Thanksgiving Memories... Below are some of our Thanksgiving memories.  Take time to share some of your favorite holiday reminiscences over your Thanksgiving table.We had thanksgiving every year with my mom’s dad. Her mom and my dad’s parents had...

Family  familyksgiving turkey time were
Thanksgiving Traditions of Gratitude

Several years ago, I was on a talk show, sharing some of these ideas to show our thankfulness. During the break, one of the hosts shared with me their family Thanksgiving tradition.With tears in her eyes she said, “My mother taught us that many of ...

Family  familyksgiving food write
Never Forget to Say Thank You

Never Forget to Say Thank You by: Lisa Hartwell As children we were taught it was a common courtesy to send thank you letters. Remember the chore of having to sit down after a birthday or Christmas and thank grandparents, aunties and uncles for ...

Family  familyk letter card host