551 articles on "file"

D-BUST Your Computer – Part 4-a for Microsoft users

D-BUST Your Computer – Part 4-a(for Microsoft users)By: Janet L. Hall~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S stands for SAVEDo you save everything on your hard drive?Do you know how to save/file your computer documents proper...

Business And Finance  business finance save folder document documents pointer file
What To Do When Windows Won't Boot-Up

When Windows fails to boot it is normally causedby the installation of a program or device which caused a conflict with one or more other programs.This will no doubt give you plenty of heartache if you're not certain which program caused Windows...

Computers And Internet  computers internet boot windows computer files press disk restore
CSS - Maximum benefits

What is CSS? CSS is a simple file which controls the visual appearance of a Web page without compromising its structure. Using CSS we can control our font size, font color, link color and many other attributes on our web page. This will make our HTM...

Web Development  development file code site
Ten Tips for Cleaning Off Your Desk and Keeping it Clean!

Ten Tips for Cleaning Off Your Desk and Keeping it Clean!By: Janet L. HallOn July 15, 1993 Walter S. Mossberg, the author andcreator of the weekly "Personal Technology" column in TheWall Street Journal, was quoted as saying: “The promise ofthe ‘p...

Business And Finance  business finance desk time file toss drawers

I learned of SSI (Server Side Includes) long before I builtmy current site. Since it seemed the only way to go, I checkedit out once again for the new site to be.What SSI amounts to is creating a new page for any elementscommon to all pages on your s...

Web Development  development file pages server included
Recover Deleted Data Easily

With such a multitude of disk recovery software available, both in computer stores and on the internet for downloading, there is a good chance that you can recover deleted data. If you've accidentally erased files that you need for whatever rea...

Computers And Internet  computers internet files data recover recovery computer deleted
Backup - How to Avoid a Disaster

Creating backups of important files on a regular basis is probably one of the easiest and cheapest ways to protect hours of work and personal files from all sorts of technical disasters. Still, billions of dollars are lost every year because of techn...

Computers And Internet  computers internet backup backups files winbackup often
Organizational Techniques - Tickler and Chron File

One of the biggest problems we encounter in our consulting with businesses, and our students, is time management and organizational techniques. This article will concentrate on some good organizational strategies. Two of the best organizational techn...

Business And Finance  business finance file tickler chron files
The Origin Of and Removal Procedures for Bargain Buddy Adware

Bargain buddy is a parasite adware thought to be created by a company named “eXact advertising”. According to the Symantec site “the files are detected as Adware.BargainBuddy” and usually require manual installation. But this is not always s...

Computers And Internet  computers internet bargain files buddy adwarebargainbuddy
Please Protect Your Confidential Files

Please Protect Your Confidential Files by: Robert Kelly You’d be disgusted to know just how some doctors, businesses, lawyers and high profile companies treat your confidential records. Often they have extremely good email security, only to ha...

Computers And Internet  computers internet clevercrypt files drive security simply computer confidential