551 articles on "file"

Product Review Robogen

Are you familiar with the Robot Exclusion Standard? This is a way whereby you can inform search engines and other automated spiders (programs which scan your web sites for information) what pages and directories are not to be examined. The standard i...

Web Development  development file robogen directories robotstxt
Get Familiar With MSDOS.SYS

Permission is granted for the below article to forward,reprint, distribute, use for ezine, newsletter, website,offer as free bonus or part of a product for sale as longas no changes are made and the byline, copyright, and theresource box below is inc...

Computers And Internet  computers internet windows startup system mode msdossys file
Are ready to buy a portable mp3 player

Recently, it seems like everyone looking to get a portable mp3 player. Like most new electronics, prices continue to drop and manufacturers continue to add more features. If you are like me and want to have music with you all the time, then a portab...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure player music portable files
Feng Shui - Create Prosperity at the Office by Clearing the Clutter

The essence of Feng Shui revolves around using positive energy, or Chi, to enhance your surroundings. Serenity, prosperity, and wealth follow the occupants of homes and offices with Chi.Your office should be a pleasant, un-cluttered, well-lit, and in...

Business And Finance  business finance piles files office desk clutter papers
Temporary Internet Files - the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Temporary Internet Files - the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly by: Nick Smith A little bit of time invested into learning about internet security can go a long way in preventing mishaps on your computer. Temporary internet files are not something we...

Computers And Internet  computers internet files temporary hard drive folder
Free Content for Individuals

Free Content for Individuals by: Ron Tower Free content added to Web pages using an HTML fragment is usually intended for Web sites. But why can't individuals also use it? It will be useful for them as well as promoting the Web site of the ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet content file site
Do You Make REGULAR Backups

"Do You Make REGULAR Backups? If You Don't...It Could Cost You"copyright 2002 John EvansOne of the very basic computer 'rules' is to alwaysmake backup copies of your important files.That is not only good advice, it's extremely ess...

Computers And Internet  computers internet floppies drive files time floppy
iTunes Download music and so much more

Itunes is one of the largest online music retailers. Last year, millions of people went online to download music from the store and organized their mp3 files with the iTunes Jukebox. Right now, the jukebox is free so anyone can use it to rip CDs, st...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure music itunes songs files them
The Devine Secrets Of The Ya Ya Lease Purchase Hood

The biggest secret of conducting a successful lease purchase business is to have a plan. I know don’t grown. You need to know what you want to do however, before you can do it. So secret number 1 is to have a plan of action. Set up daily goals for ...

Business And Finance  business finance file tickler make
Web Site Optimization How to Optimize PDF Files for Web Sites

Portable Document Format (PDF) is the defacto file format for presenting device-independent documents on and off the Web. While PDFs have become quite popular on the Web, many PDFs used in web sites are designed for high quality print output and are ...

Web Development  development pdfs file version images graphics vector