551 articles on "file"

Does the Free Basic Membership find you a date?

Does the Free Basic Membership find you a date? by: Tyler Casselman When it comes to online dating many people think that by signing up for just a free membership that they will get good results. The fact is this doesn't usually work. Unles...

Women  women profile membership people
Web Site Maintenance Made Easy

Anyone who has maintained a web site with many pages for an extended periodof time knows the nightmare of having to edit a word or date that recurs oneach page, such as copyright information. Having to edit every single pagecan be very time-consuming...

Web Development  development file html
Increasing sales by adding streaming audio to your site for Free

If you have noticed, a lot of sites these days add streaming audio to their sites.Those ubiquitous buttons that resemble little orbs with the play symbol on them? I'm sure you must have seen them.A lot of marketers these days allow their site vi...

Online Business  online business audio file sound these
Sissy\'s Show of Support

I had been fighting with the software program that I used to build my website. The software program had a bug in it and would occasionally anger the main brains of my computer. Without warning, my computer would lock the program shut and forbid me to...

Kids And Teens  kids teens file
404 Error Pages-What are they and how do you create one?

404 Error Pages-What are they and how do you create one? by: Stephen Hames We’ve all seen them, you’ve been browsing a website and you click a link and nothing loads apart from the words ‘404 Error’ along with the usual stuff. So what is...

Web Development  development file error thehtaccess create
Downloading MP3's Made Easy

The MP3 movement started out with a huge audience of music enthusiasts on the internet. The MP3 digital music format has had, and will continue to have, a huge impart on how people, gather, listen to and share music.The MP3 format is a compression s...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure files player music software
Spys in CyberWorld

Did you know your own computer is syping on you? Did you knowthat every click you make on your windows start menu is logged toa hidden, encrypted database in your computer?It's very important that you read a site's privacy policy to findout...

Computers And Internet  computers internet files space computer information
All hope is not lost - 404 Errors

In a previous article, I discussed the advantages of using acustomized 404 error page on your site and gave instructions onhow to create one. As I explained back then, these pages arehighly useful because they enable you to benefit from trafficthat w...

Web Development  development error file script
You're sick and you MUST work!

What do you do when you work from home (your own business) and you come down with the flu? Is there a number you can call and let them know that you're sick and cannot come in today? If only!Since Saturday I've been hit by one of those drea...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation open file time
Using QuickSub to make it easier for your visitors to subscribe to your feed

You can make it easier for your visitors to subscribe to your RSS feed. With a free and easy to install javascript function you can add the QuickSub feed button to your webpage in just a few minutes. Let me show you just how easy it is.QuickSub is a ...

Web Development  development feed quicksub file