551 articles on "file"

Signature Files The easy way to create more business

If you do business as an affiliate, then you're constantlyconcerned with getting your name and your business informationout there. You probably send a lot of e-mails, post on messageboards, and submit articles to business e-zines. These are grea...

Computers And Internet  computers internet business file little mail
Untangling Spaghetti HTML

Untangling Spaghetti HTMLby Sunil Tanna, EBookCompiler.comWhen I was first learning to write computer programs, one of themost important points that was drummed into me was that it'snever a good idea to write great chunks of computer code that a...

Web Development  development code files include
Square One Personality Impacts Job Fit

Recently, one of my friends (let's call her Martha), the president of a very successful distribution business, lamented the firing of one of her key associates (Phyllis). Phyllis had been hired as a customer service rep in a new, telephone-based...

Business And Finance  business finance person behavior phyllis profile
What Paper or Computer Files Should You Keep

What Paper or Computer Files Should You Keep? Judy Cullins c. 2004 All Rights ReservedAs business people we must deal with a great deal of paper and information from email and the net every day. You need to know however, that according to the "Pareto...

Business And Finance  business finance important paper file
7 Tips to Save Time at Work

1. Meet with staff, boss and co-workers on a regular basis to reduce frequent interruptions.2. Make a daily to-do list and become more productive. You'll be even more effective if you prioritize and schedulespecific times to do the items.3. Plac...

Business And Finance  business finance file times working
Help Search Engines get Smarter, ROR your Website!

Help Search Engines get Smarter, ROR your Website! by: Dom Vonarburg What is ROR? ROR (Resources of a Resource) is an exciting new website content description tool and format created by AddMe.com. It makes it very easy to describe the content, ...

Site Promotion  site promotion search file engines
Make Your E-Mail Signature File WORK for You!

You're probably familiar with e-mail signature (or "sig")files – they're the few lines of contact information that many of us put at the bottom of every e-mail we send. Most e-mail software programs allow you to create and use sig files â...

Computers And Internet  computers internet mail file files people most
Photoshop CS The Automate Feature

If your problem is the tedious task of organization of your images and documents in your computer, then Photoshop CS Automate Feature will help you a great deal. It really is burdensome to manually create columns and rows to optimize your images and ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet images file
Clean Credit Report Easily Raise Your Credit Score 100 points!

Clean Credit Reports, your credit report contains information about where you work, live and how you pay your bills (On time or not). It also may show whether you've been sued, arrested or have filed for bankruptcy with in the last 10 years. Co...

Business And Finance  business finance credit report clean file
5 Easy Ways To Speed Up Your Laptop

Does your notebook seem slower than molasses these days? Do you often find yourself coming to the point of heartache and even yelling a few choice words at your machine? If so, then the simple steps listed in this article are for you.In this article...

Computers And Internet  computers internet hard files programs drive