Array ( [on] => gardening [p] => 6 )
Pond liners are essential components in creating a beautiful and functional garden pond. Not only do they keep the water from seeping into the ground, but they also prevent leaks and keep the soil moist. When it comes to choosing a pond liner, there ...
Gardening gardening pond water liner leak theyFall is the perfect time to start preparing your garden beds for next year's spring flowers. One of the most important things you can do is to mulch your spring flower bulbs in the fall. Mulching provides several benefits, including protecting bulbs ...
Gardening gardening bulbs soil freezing mulch wellAs spring approaches, many homeowners begin to think about revitalizing their gardens and flower beds. One popular way to do this is by spreading mulch over the soil. Not only does it give your garden a pristine appearance, but it also helps to retai...
Gardening gardening mulch pile plants toxic theyComposting is one of the easiest things you can do to make your yard and garden healthier. By composting, you can reduce the amount of waste you generate, improve the nutrition of your soil, and help protect the environment. Here are some tips to hel...
Gardening gardening material pile compost binsModern urban living should not deprive you of the joys of home gardening. If you enjoy eating vegetables, you will derive even greater satisfaction in consuming your own homegrown vegetables. Growing tomatoes in containers has always been popular amo...
Hobbies hobbies container plants tomato tomatoes gardening containers waterAzaleas can be either evergreen or deciduous. Deciduous Azaleas are known as Mollis or Exbury Azaleas. They bloom in the early spring with vivid orange and yellow colors. They can be grown from seed if the seeds are collected in the fall and sown on ...
Gardening gardening plant plants rhododendrons willContainer Gardening Ideas So for my first official blog post, I would like to talk about the many reasons and ideas behind using container gardens. Some of these reasons are extremely obvious, like those that rent their home and are not allowed to d...
Hobbies hobbies container gardening gardens containers ideas aboveOnce you know how to effectively propagate landscape plants, you will soon have more rooted cuttings than you can use. At that time you can decide whether or not you should quit growing cuttings, since you have all you need, or maybe you like to sell...
Gardening gardening cuttings plants plant growHow to Lose Weight While Gardening by: Candee Stark Have you ever dreaded the idea of pulling weeds, planting a tree, or pushing a lawn mower around the yard? Does just thinking about it make you sweat? I am sure the majority of are nodding your...
Women women gardening exercise weight planting heavyMany gardeners are switching to hydroponics gardening for a variety of different reasons. Hydroponics gardens are small, can easily be grown indoors and are a perfect gardening solution for most vegetables. Also, the equipment required for hydroponic...
Hobbies hobbies gardening hydroponics nutrients plants plant growing