490 articles on "gift"


IN THIS SEASON OF GIFT-BUYING, DON'T IGNORE THE MOST IMPORTANT GIFTS OF ALLIn this season of holiday gift buying, advertisers bombard us with messages, some of them contradictory. One ad tells us that the best way for men to show love is to spen...

Family  family time gifts some
Different Valentines Gifts for Him

Are you confused about what to buy that special guy for Valentine's Day? Especially if you've spent several years with the same guy, or if your man seems to have everything, you may be open to suggestions this Valentine's Day. Here are...

Relationships  relationships gift thought
What To Buy As Baby Gifts

Everyone gets excited when an invitation comes in the mail or an email is sent inviting you to the amazing Baby Shower! Friends and family all gathered together sharing all there baby stories and ideas how to change a diaper or grandma's home re...

Family  family baby gift gifts very
Make Gift Wrapping Paper With Kids

Make Gift Wrapping Paper With Kids by: Abigail BealMaking your own wrapping paper is a fun activity that children or adults can do. With some creativity you can create gift wrap that is unique and different – everyone will know the gift is fro...

Family  family paper gift need
Make Gift Wrap Paper

Make Gift Wrap Paper by: Abigail BealChances are at the holidays you’ve been tempted to make holiday wrapping paper. But you may have heard too many stories about needing to use potatoes and tempura paint that bring you back to your grade scho...

Family  family paper gift them
Do Vacuum Cleaners Make Worthy Christmas Presents?

A fresh vacuum will generally be able to vacuum better than your other one. It may be less demanding to push, and even smell much better than your old vacuum. But is there a reason to give it as a Christmas gift? Here is when it is just not a good ...

Gadgets And Gizmos  gadgets gizmos vacuum gift just
Creative Gifts For Parents Who Celebrate Their Golden Anniversary

Creative gifts are a symbol of gratitude and love to the people you love. When we exist in this world, our parents are the first ones who introduced the word love. They made us feel their love and care from the time that we couldn't see the beau...

Family  family love itaposs gifts from
8 Gifts of Parenting

8 Gifts of Parenting by: Lawrence Vijay Girard No one who has hugged their child can doubt the gift of a child’s presence in their life. The love that is expressed in that simple act is one of the most profound ways that we experience love in ...

Parenting  parenting life gift children love
He Was Either The Most Romantic Man In The World - Or A Complete Idiot

He Was Either The Most Romantic Man In The World - Or A Complete Idiot by: Marguerite Bonneville Heather had been dating Ben for a little over two months. She quite enjoyed his company but was beginning to realize he was not the man for her. She...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation gift donapost
How to stop the greed of gifts

To a large extent the holidays have come to be more about materialism than the original values of peace, harmony, and faith. Advertisers hit us from all sides with messages of greed and pettiness. Every media outlet is rife with the idea, “buy thi...

Family  family gift child give