"Beware of Web Sites Bearing 'Free Gifts'"If they're offered after the sale, they're NOT free!One of my best friends, someone that I’ve known since I was a teenager (which seems like a long time ago!), had a great collection of ...
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Marketing marketing products gift catalog product couldThe Magic Of Gift Giving At Christmas by: Adriana Copaceanu Regardless of age, almost everyone can remember at least a few magic moments of their past at Christmas time. Even in our fifties and sixties, we can still very precisely recall how our...
Family family christmas gift shopping internet time5 Tips For A Better Website by: Tara GrantHaving an eye catching website is great, but are you optimizing your website to allow the best performance possible? I receive several emails a day from clients asking how they can get more hits to their...
Web Development development gift size basket keywordThe Gifts We Give Our Dogs by: Carolyn Schweitzer Whoever coined the phrase, "It's a Dog's Life" wasn't familiar with 21st century dogs. Time was when the average canine slept outside, ate whatever scraps of food were tossed his w...
Family family pets gift giftsI Just Love It! by: Kristin Johnson You know the scenario. You're sitting at the family Christmas gathering and your ten-year-old opens one of Aunt Martha's itchy homemade sweaters. Or Uncle Bobby, who's been swearing to lose twen...
Parenting parenting gifts love christmas itaposs gift‘Tis the season to celebrate and a time to eat! Most of us gain a few pounds during the holiday season. With family dinners, holiday parties and gift baskets loaded with goodies, who thinks of staying fit?Instead of giving a pyramid of chocolate, ...
Health health gift holiday year therapy gifts manyPurchasing a gift for dad may seem like a tough task but in reality it is not. There are several items which you can give them on the occasion of their birthday, anniversary, Father's Day, etc. The key is to choose a gift based on their taste an...
Family family gift gifts christmas give"Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing". -Mother Teresa If you are someone that always struggles with what to give as a gift, then this article should help you. Many times, without warning,...
Family family gift food time someoneThe internet has proven to be an amazing delivery conduit for words, information, music, pictures and generally anything that can be turned into little 1s and 0s. As we approach the end of the year the question is asked “Can the Internet deliver my...
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