Shortcomings of eVenturizing the World by: Burak Fenercioglu Venture capital (VC) people are very lovable. They are the ones giving you the opportunity to say hocus-pocus in the journey of converting your idea into money. So far, VCs have spoilt...
Business And Finance business finance global capital technologyGlobal Market in the Cyber world—Go and Get It! by: Ray Smith With the Internet opening up the doorway to the global market, everybody is up and running to reap the maximum benefit of this widely used medium. Not only has Internet gained impor...
Business And Finance business finance market global designerThe second wave is now upon us. For a VERY LIMITED time you may register for free with the world's NEXT BIG Internet giant, Global Domain International, Inc. (aka GDI), an Inc500 listed, debt free Corporation and home of ALL.WS "website" domain ...
Marketing marketing domain name names global12 Practical Uses of GPS for Everyday People by: Simon Wyryzowski GPS or Global Positioning Systems is a term that most commonly conjures up images of vehicle navigation systems, space-age satellite technology, and interactive maps for outdoors-...
Gadgets And Gizmos gadgets gizmos based global findWith the Internet opening up the doorway to the global market, everybody is up and running to reap the maximum benefit of this widely used medium. Not only has Internet gained importance as an important medium of communication but also has given a p...
Business And Finance business finance market global designerThere is a disastrous state of leadership in our national government. Our political system has devolved to a state of territorial agenda, short-sighted positioning and religious manipulation. Kind of like what one would expect in a new government suc...
Government government control global state disastrous system hereLawsuit Funding by: Wensley McKenney Lawsuit Funding is essential to victims of personal injury who are without sufficient income and are awaiting a legal settlement. All too often a person is injured by the wrongful acts of another but must wai...
Legal legal financial claim global waitIt‘s not always easy to think globally, yet many of our site‘s visitors liveabroad. In fact, most ofthem do. This has forced us to pack a lot of learning into a short time.We edit and publish a monthly e-zine from the tiny Greek island ofKarpatho...
Web Development development news english think globallyThe second wave is now upon us. For a VERY LIMITED time you may register for free with the world's NEXT BIG Internet giant, Global Domain International, Inc. (aka GDI), an Inc500 listed, debt free Corporation and home of ALL.WS "website" domain ...
Web Development development domain name names globaln Get Ready, Get Set and Go Global by: Laurel J. Delaney, MBAToday, women are starting businesses at twice the rate of men and becoming a major force both in the traditional and the new global e-business marketplace. In November, The National Wo...
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