244 articles on "humor"

Selling Like Hotcakes? Tickle My...

Though certainly not as cuddly or kid-friendly as the latest version of that giggling monster, you know the one with the bulging eyes and red fur a new T-shirt is none the less striving to tickle the funny bone of a few consumers. "Oh my," a blus...

Humor  humor shirt stone tickle
Cartoons, Comedians and Congressman

I have recently been re-examining the seemingly absurd notion of having comedians and cartoon characters filling in for the roles of our current politicians and statesman. After careful consideration- the notion may not be so absurd at all. As a fo...

Humor  humor notion offered time current group would
Humor in Business

As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine. It brings joy, reduces stress, and creates stronger relationships. But how exactly does humor fit into the world of business, where serious decisions and tasks are made every day? In recent years, h...

Business And Finance  business finance humor cartoon daily world emotions very
How to Use Humor to Increase Sales

Humor is a powerful tool that can help businesses increase their sales, improve customer relationships, and build a strong brand image. When used effectively, humor can make brands more relatable, approachable, and memorable, and can help them stand ...

Business And Finance  business finance cartoon cartoons humor readers marketing license
Fashion Do's and Don'ts on E! TV No More Scrunchies

Okay, I don't usually watch E! TV, and my boyfriend watches it even less, but when I went in to the living room last night, to my astonishment he was watching the TOP 50 Fashion Do's and Don'ts. The show was well done, with some wry hu...

Humor  humor fashion time especially
How To Get Even With Starbucks!

I am not a patient man. Nor am I overly devious. So although I haven't personally experienced the following hijinx, I have watched a guy I know go through this ritual, several times. Plus, I hate Starbucks coffee. It's way too "acidy"...

Humor  humor coffee starbucks iaposm times right seen
Normally We Do

For a Christmas present, our children pulled their resources and gave the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage and Yours Truly a marvelous little vacation in the eastern hills of Tennessee. Upon arrival, we were delightfully surprised with all of our ...

Humor  humor children grandchildren shopping
Chicago Criminalizes Foie Gras

The Chicago City Council has voted to criminalize foie gras. An alderman who is a member of the questionable culinary group maintains that the delicious delicacy represents a case of cruelty to animals, since the geese and ducks that produce it are f...

Humor  humor chicago city ducks geese delicacy into
Bumper Stickers Make a Statement

If you've ever found yourself inching up on the car in front of you to read their bumper stickers, you're not alone. Bumper stickers are a means of proclaiming your views on life, politics, sports, your religious affiliation, and virtually ...

Humor  humor stickers bumper letter youaposre
Study Determines Reading NewsLaugh Helps You Live Longer

Good news. People with a sense of humor live longer, says researcher Sven Svebak of the medical school at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He presented his study in Budapest at a meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society. S...

Humor  humor study important quarter