10,191 articles on "improve"

The man who would be Canute.

Blaring out over the sea.There once was a man who was ultra cute,Who convinced his Boss that he was really Canute,That he could quell insurgance just with his voice,And use of phrases this mentor deemed choice,And Lo how it worked, the sea did not re...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation sense tide quite mentor
All In The Mind

“In life, if you give yourself a concession, you’d take it” -Alvin PohAs part of my exercise regime when I was younger, I made it a point to have a run around my neighbourhood as often as I could. Although when I say “as often as I could”, ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivationself think start
The Most Powerful Knowledge Available To Man

In this article you will learn the most powerful knowledgeavailable to man.It is with this knowledge that Andrew Carnagie, a laborerfrom Scotland, became one of the world's first self-madesuper tycoons.It is with this knowledge that Thomas A. Ed...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation knowledge life desire every
Choose To Become An Encourager

“...I know that the only source of happiness is within me, and I will begin to share it. Like a perfume, I know that I cannot pour it on others without getting a few drops on myself."- Og Mandino, "The Choice""You cannot antagonize and influence at...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation words time remember
12 Reasons You Should Learn to Play the Piano

All right, folks, here you go: My 12 reasons why you should start learning how to play the piano. Immediately. As in today. This very minute. Okay, fine, finish this article first, THEN get started. And yes, I know that there are more than just 12 re...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation piano playing play just
Checking for Asbestos in Your Home

Checking for Asbestos in Your Home by: Kasi Jones If you are concerned about asbestos exposure you are not alone. Many individuals wonder if they have been exposed, and if so, what they can do to help protect their health. If you think that you ...

Home Improvement  home improvement asbestos exposure material
Demystifying the Powers of Hypnosis

Demystifying the Powers of Hypnosis by: Debbie Friedman “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.” - Napolean Hill Hypnosis is an enjoyable, easy and effective way to change our bad habits into good ones and our neg...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation hypnosis mind subconscious state effective
How To Find The Hottest Selling Items on eBay

How To Find The Hottest Selling Items on eBay by: Michael Sherriff eBay, the worlds largest online shopping experience............ There is no denying that eBay, love it or hate it, is one of the best known websites on the internet. Operating i...

Home Improvement  home improvement items ebay selling
How Would You Like To Have A Razor Sharp Memory?

How Would You Like To Have A Razor Sharp Memory? by: Phil de Fontenay Forgetful? Can’t remember where you put things? Honey! Where did I put my damn keys? Do you forget important dates like your…oops! Anniversary? Peoples names, birthday...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation memory remember think things just
After 40 Is The Best Time To Reassess Your Life And Your Work!

The mid-life crisis occurs for a reason Up until about 40, we spend our lives building, collecting, acquiring. We do our best despite in some cases our upbringing, society pressures and our economic conditions. Around 40, however, life starts to tak...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation feeling life people anxiety