10,191 articles on "improve"

War Declared On Instant Messenger How to Stop Your Child from Wasting Their Life Away Online

Hey Parents! I hate to tell you, but there is no such thing as “useful instant messaging”. Your crafty child might try to take advantage of your lack of “Techie” know how when they say in that whiney voice... “But Mom I’m IMing my friends...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation time kids homework instant
10 Things You Should Do BEFORE Your Child's IEP Meeting

1. Read last year's IEP - It's important to review what came out of last year's plan. Was it successful ? Did the methods of instruction work ? Did the measurement process used really tell you if progress was being made ? Were the goal...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation meeting time
Watching Your Children’s Garden Grow

Start some gardening traditions with your kids. Give them their own garden patch and a spot to dig. Children love getting their hands dirty and watching things grow. Be sure to buy good quality, child sized gardening tools. Plastic toy versions just ...

Home Improvement  home improvement kids garden seeds
Spring Chores at the Cabin

Whether you live in your cabin year round or it's been closed up for the winter, it's time for spring cleaning. It's hard to get motivated. We'd all rather be out playing in the sun and enjoying the spring after the long cold wint...

Home Improvement  home improvement spring cabin chain wood clean

Sometimes life becomes so routine, we don’t have to think about a thing we’re doing throughout the day. We’re programmed to run on automatic. It’s important to shake things up every once in a while to get the creative juices flowing, give us ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation work ready routine breakfast impact
The Emmaus Journal - The Little Things In Life

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge as long as the by-lines and resource box are included. A courtesy copy of the publication would be appreciated sent to email address listed after the article. Tha...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life little force things yahweh
The Truth About Luck and How To Get it

I spoke to a close friend today and he said something that greatly disturbed me. Okay it made me so upset I had to write this while thinking, "What the F@#K?!"I was looking at a catalogue of upcoming seminars given by some VERY famous and successful ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation lucky luck action they
Doing Favors versus Being Of Service

At the end of interviews, Oprah Winfrey asks people “what do you know for sure?” I know exactly what I will tell her when she asks me that question. One thing I know for sure is that the grandest changes in our lives come from subtle shifts in ou...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation service people something
Live Your Life To The Fullest

Do you sometimes feel that you're living a boring life? Youjust can't seem to find anything exciting. You wake up in the morning, then do the same old rituals. You go to the office or to school. You meet the same people,do the same job, tr...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life college every
5 effective ways how to make your books more valuable.

5 effective ways how to make your books more valuable.by Patric Chan copyright 2004.I had just purchased another motivational book by Anthony Robbins last week. In fact, that's the fourth Anthony Robbins book that I had bought. When I got home t...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation books book read understand