122 articles on "levels"

What Is Endometriosis And What Are Endometriosis Stages?

What Is Endometriosis And What Are Endometriosis Stages? by: Olinda Rola What is endometriosis and what are the endometriosis stages? These are frequent questions since nearly 7 million women in their twenties to forties in the USA alone are aff...

Health  health endometriosis women implants stages levels
Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - Methoxyisoflavone

Flavones are the latest big supplement to hit the market. Methoxyisoflavone is a non-hormonal anabolic compound that has been shown to reduce cortisol levels, increase protein synthesis and improve recovery from exercise.During tests that led to the ...

Health  health anabolic protein levels safely taken
Carbon Monoxide Can Be DeadlyEarly Detection Monitors Make It Easy to Protect Your Family

Carbon Monoxide Can Be DeadlyEarly Detection Monitors Make It Easy to Protect Your Family by: Debra Lynn Dadd If you burn gas, kerosene, or wood in your home to produce heat for cooking or warmth, you need to monitor the level of carbon monoxide...

Health  health carbon monoxide levels symptoms home
Low-Carb: The Role of Insulin

Low-Carb: The Role of Insulin by: Beverley Brooke There are three basic units the body uses for energy: Fats Proteins Carbohydrates All three can be converted to blood glucose. However, while fats and proteins are converted slowly, carbohyd...

Health  health insulin blood levels sugar bodys
Relax Your Way To Weight Loss and Good Health

I want to talk about the effect that stress and sleep deprivation may have on your weight. I spent the last six years of my life in Los Angeles partaking in the “Rat Race”. Two things I discovered: only rats win the rat race and stress can play h...

Health  health cortisol levels stress weight
Incredible - Essential - CoQ10

Incredible - Essential - CoQ10 by: Mike Spencer Deficiencies in CoQ10 (also known as Coenzyme Q10) can cause or aggravate many conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and periodontal disease. "After age 20, levels of Coenzyme Q10 in your body...

Health  health levels coenzyme many
The Myths and Facts of Vitamin D and Sun Exposure

The Myths and Facts of Vitamin D and Sun Exposure by: Diana ClarkeUnverified reports claiming that unprotected, intentional sun exposure is necessary for Vitamin D formation are getting quite a bit of media coverage lately. Yet, dermatologists s...

Health  health vitamin cancer skin levels sunscreen
Monitoring Your Weight Loss Progress Progress Don't Guess- Measure!

Any weight loss or fitness program is incomplete without the timely measurements to monitor Your Progress. The only way to know if your health and fitness program is successful is by monitoring your measurements, weight and body fat levels on a consi...

Health  health composition weight software levels
Syndrome X - What Is It And Have You Got It?

Syndrome X - What Is It And Have You Got It? by: Kay BlackistonSyndrome X or the X factor as it is sometimes known was first described in 1988 by Professor Gerald Reaven , an endocrinologist at California’s Stanford University after twenty yea...

Women  women insulin levels syndrome blood glucose protein carbohydrates
Selenium May Help to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Selenium May Help to Prevent Prostate Cancer by: Jeremy Maddock According to a federally sponsored study, published by a Stanford University urologist, men with abnormally low levels of Selenium in their blood are four to five times more likely ...

Health  health selenium cancer blood levels supplementation prostate study