7 articles on "cortisol"

A Head Start for Preemies

ad Start for Preemies by: News Canada (NC)-The presence of too much of a steroid hormone called cortisol, either from a baby's own adrenal gland, or reaching the baby across the placenta from the mother, can lead to premature birth. As well...

Health  health cihr research birth cortisol funded placenta
A Head Start for Preemies

A head start for preemies: Importance of early intervention One of the most heart-wrenching and challenging experiences that parents can face is having a premature baby. Preterm birth, defined as the birth of a baby before 37 weeks of pregnancy, aff...

Health  health cihr research birth cortisol funded placenta
Cortisol Blockers - Fab or Fad

Americans are more stressed and more overweight than ever. It seems logical that the two are related, so why not jump on the latest of the diet trends and pop that cortisol-blocking pill? Before you do, read on to navigate your way through this lates...

Health  health cortisol stress weight remain eating
Relieving Stress with Exercise... and Losing Body Fat in the Process!

Relieving Stress with Exercise... and Losing Body Fat in the Process! by: Jamie Clark Feeling stressed out lately? Don't worry, there is a simple and incredibly effective solution one that will help you lose weight in more ways than you mi...

Health  health stress exercise cortisol levels help
Relax Your Way To Weight Loss and Good Health

I want to talk about the effect that stress and sleep deprivation may have on your weight. I spent the last six years of my life in Los Angeles partaking in the “Rat Race”. Two things I discovered: only rats win the rat race and stress can play h...

Health  health cortisol levels stress weight
The Benefits of Meditation: Tips and Techniques

The Benefits of Meditation: Tips and Techniques by: Galina Pembroke Meditation is healthy, safe and affordable. In fact it’s free. The only expense you’ll have is a meditation mat, which isn’t especially necessary-at least from my experien...

Health  health meditation cortisol mindfulness
To Hell In A Handbasket; Men Who Crash And Burn

To Hell In A Handbasket; Men Who Crash And Burn by: Dr. Gavin Lange What’s up with men? Why do we push our bodies to extremes? Why do we so often ignore our body’s signals that we’re doing too much, going too fast, trying too hard? Why do ...

Health  health cortisol stress