723 articles on "love"

Living Sane In An Insane World!

When strong emotions such as love, faith, anger, and hate are mixed in the form of a passion for something one strongly believes in, they create a driving force that will move mountains, calm storms, cure disease, cause destruction and acts of violen...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation habit hate love power
What Causes Holiday Stress

The following article is offered for free use in your ezine, print publication or on your web site, so long as the author resource box at the end is included. Notification of publication would be appreciated.Title: What Causes Holiday Stress?Author: ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation approval love intent giving
You Don't Have To Be A Genius To Write A Love Poem

Love poems are a wonderfully romantic gesture and can often express your thoughts far more eloquently than verbal communication.If you have some talent with words, why not take a few moments and try your hand at writing a poem for your lover? Just s...

Writing  writing love time poem robert like
Tips for a lasting marriage

My parents gave me this advice about marriage. They have been married since the 1960s and are still happily married to each other. In marriage, when an argument is about to blow up, remember that takes 2 hands to clap. When one party is angry, the ot...

Family  family love marriage passionate
4 Tips To Help You Find The Best Long Term Nursing Home Insurance

There are many times that a nursing home is the best choice for an elderly family members living quarters but this can be very expensive if you are not prepared for it and can many times cause financial problems for the family. That is why you need t...

Family  family insurance nursing loved
As The Primary Caregiver, Should I Journal My Feelings About Alzheimer’s Disease?

As The Primary Caregiver, Should I Journal My Feelings About Alzheimer’s Disease? by: William Hammond, J.D. Being a caregiver is stressful and difficult. It involves contradictory feelings, thoughts and frustrations. When you have to care for ...

Health  health loved feelings help
Preparing to be an Entrepreneur

I believe the free market economy and the wealth of a community is built on the back of the entrepreneur Taking the entrepreneurial business path can be exciting, exhilarating, and an emotional roller coaster of ups and downs. There are a number of f...

Business And Finance  business finance youll love into
The Poison of Resentment

The Poison of Resentment by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Actress Susan Saint James, in a TV interview after the terrible plane crash that claimed the life of her 14 year old son Teddy, and injured her husband, NBC Sports Chairman Dick Ebersol, and her ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation truth resentment mark love soul
Are You Tired, Yet

Are you tired of having more days at the end of the month than money? Perhaps you've missed family time due to overtime ~ just to make ends meet. Maybe, your credit card bills are rising, too. Only, Murphy's Laws go into effect about the t...

Business And Finance  business finance love godaposs really
Perfectionism - The Dangerous Trap

Perfectionism – The Dangerous TrapJust when I have something figured out, along comes another how-to-article telling me how to be or do something better or even change my entire life. No matter where I turn, I am constantly reminded that I am not g...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation perfect life love