723 articles on "love"

Will the Angels Abandon Us?

Will the Angels Abandon Us? by: Skye Thomas If we don't behave according to a specific church's doctrine, will our guardian angels turn their backs on us? If we are struggling with our overall belief in God or we're questioning th...

Women  women angels love
5 Steps to a Simpler Life

You love your busy life and don't want to slow down.Make it easier by simplifying five basic aspects.1. Go through your clothing and keep ONLY what fits today. Coordinate your clothing so you can quickly get dressed in the morning. Set up an org...

Women  women system list donapost love lists make
Antique Diamond Rings - Perfect For Engagement

Weddings, birthdays, graduation, and anniversaries are just one of the most celebrated and memorable events in an individual's life. Those are the times when an individual is turning into a more mature phase in life, the point wherein he or she ...

Women  women diamond engagement love ring
The Informal Normal In A Black-Tie-Affair World

The Informal Normal In A Black-Tie-Affair World by: Stanley J. Leffew Have you noticed the trend? You ever notice how on programs like "The Bachelor" most of their dating episodes are via limousine escort? They travel to lavish destinations am...

Family  family getting love life will

VALENTINE'S DAY: WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT?By Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.Author, "Taming Your Inner Brat: A Guide for Transforming Self-defeating Behavior"The perfect card, the perfect gift, the perfect date... Isn't there enough pressur...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation love relationships perfect
You Still Love Her After She's Cheated

There are many things that we can take and leave in an instant, but this does not happen with love. Love is a process, and although people talk of love at first sight, it actually takes time to grow. On the other end of the spectrum, you will not jus...

Relationships  relationships love wrong loving
The Broken Heart

I once attended a party meant for broken hearts. It was a party that had so much sadness painted all over it. Such was the color of sadness that even a blind person could see it from a distance. The atmosphere of the day was filled with incomprehensi...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation mind love broken
Online Dating - Confidence Builder

Online Dating - Confidence Builder by: Steve EyesMost of us have different levels of confidence. I’m sure you have met a variety of confident types. I’m just as sure, that all of us have had our own confidence shaken once or twice. I know I ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation confidence dating online love
LOVE is the Real Thing!!

Love was designed by GOD for relationships between himself and his angels & humans, and between each other. You cannot "love" yourself...that is why masturbation, with all its fantasies, is sin...it is self-centered (which is the fallen sin condition...

Family  family love real designed
Love At Home

It's Valentine's Day. This day focused on expressions of love canbe wonderful. Unexpected flowers arrive. Gold embossed boxes ofdelicious chocolates are given. Cute stuffed animals proclaiminglove are exchanged. Great start! A good beginnin...

Family  family love valentineaposs treat