723 articles on "love"

Are You Fit To Love?

Are You Fit To Love? by: Allie Ochs Are You Fit To Love? is the most important question you’ll ever ask yourself. As we get closer to our sunset-years our love relationships become more important. Sadly, they are often the cause of pain. Incre...

Women  women relationships love relationship respect important
9 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You Just Don't Feel Like It

Achieving the really big goals and dreams always involves breaking it down into do-able little steps. Assuming that you've picked a goal or dream that you really love working at, then most of the steps are a delight to take. No matter how much y...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation parts love doingself
What Is Love

One of the most beautiful expressions of love ever committed to words is found in Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians: Love is patient, love is kind... it is not self-seeking... but rejoices in the truth... love never fails. Love, that fee...

Relationships  relationships love truth spirit
Relationship After Cheating And Rebuilding A Brand New Trust-Filled Marriage

Repairing a relationship after cheating and building a brand new trust-filled marriage is possible with dedication and hard work. Believe it or not, but it is possible to make your marriage better than it was before the affair happened. The first ord...

Relationships  relationships work marriage hard love need
Do You Experience God?

Do You Experience God? by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Connor, a man in his late 40’s, has achieved everything he ever thought he needed to feel happy and secure. He owns a successful business, has a wonderful wife and two children, and a beautiful h...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation love loving connor know
Love's All About Chemistry

Love's All About Chemistry by: Niz People who have been swept off their feet know the feeling. Love makes us all feel funny. That sense of giddy disorientation, unsinkable euphoria and complete obsession with a new love can be so overpoweri...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation love brain drug people natural
Long Distance Care for Your Aging Parent Living Alone

In 1987, 8.5 million elderly lived alone; by 2020, 13.3 million elderly will live alone. These elderly may suffer if they don’t have face-to-face interaction with others or if they don’t have measures in place to handle emergencies. As a child or...

Family  family loved support
Spring! Time for Love and New Beginnings

Prepare, prepare, prepare! The horizon screams of spring and the budding trees, tulips poking their head above the soil and thoughts of romance and love fill our hearts and minds. Are you ready for what awaits you? Well, if not, we need to get starte...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation heart open love there
Surviving School

Well, I finally finished my 1st semester of college and I think I did really well. I am pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice, possibly with a minor in psychology. I absolutely love school and now often wonder why I didn’t go back sooner. I thin...

College Articles  college articles school love friends people think
Do You Have a Hobby That Makes Money for You?

Do You Have a Hobby That Makes Money for You? by: Gerardas Norkus Everyone has a hobby. We love all kinds of music, sports, movies, books... We have pets, we grow flowers, we build houses, buy cars... Some of us even love our jobs (boy, those ar...

Online Business  online business hobby money love about