723 articles on "love"

Love Magic How to Attract Your Perfect Partner for Passion, Profession or Play

The Myths that Keep Us from LoveAre society's relationship myths causing you to give up on loveor settle for less than what you want?Most of the people who taught us about love are people who don'tlet themselves be loved. Hello? What's...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation love relationship partner person
Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #11

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #11 by: Tami Close You are the GREATEST, aren’t you? You are focusing on you and attracting all the wonderful things you deserve. You are enlightened about your Divinity as God only creates the Divine. ...

Health  health love little other
How I Met My Angel

How I Met My Angel by: Saleem Rana Today I was in rather a whimsical mood, and so instead of my usual “how to” article, I thought I'd create a fairy tale for the child within you to enjoy. When I was just a young soul, on my first inca...

Parenting  parenting love school learn
Should Children Make You Stand by Your Cheating Man?

Although it will certainly be very painful to stand by your cheating man, at least during the early days of the discovery, this may be the best thing to do due to numerous factors. One of things that you should consider is the inseparable bond betwee...

Relationships  relationships children love
Teen Dating Tips

Introduction No doubt that at some part of your life so far you have had a crush on someone, maybe that is why you are here now. You might also be here to find out how to tell what true love is or how to tell if he/she is the "perfect" match for yo...

Kids And Teens  kids teens love person things feel
Time Travel

Time Travel by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 20, 2004 Let me quote something you wrote. "When you reach the boundary between like and love, you know you are entering a different country. You are beyond newne...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation love would
Who Really Cares About You?

Are there times in your life when you feel like nobody really cares about you? Yes, there are people who show some concern. But who really knows and understands you? Life is full of challenges. Sometimes those challenges are small. Other times they ...

Religion  religion love really people just
Life, The Greatest Ride of All

Life, The Greatest Ride of All  by: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Life is the greatest roller coaster ride we will ever take. The ups and downs, the unexpected changes, the twists and turns, are all a part of living. The roller coaster ride of lif...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation positive love when
You Deserve a Love Like This

I once participated in a small workshop on public speaking. Each of us was presented with the goal of deeply connecting with all eight attendees. We were to speak from the heart on a specific topic, and the audience was to connect back with the speak...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation love relationships will
Here"s How to Win Back Her Heart

The fact that you have discovered that your wife has an affair does not mean that you will be ready to let go of your marriage. Of course, this is something that is bound to hurt you deeply, and it can leave you with some self doubt. However, if you ...

Relationships  relationships heart time love