723 articles on "love"

What is You Interior Design Style?

Did you know that each of us has a unique interior design style? And that particular style directly reflects our personalities. Knowing your unique style before you begin your home renovation, addition or decorating project is all it takes to save y...

Family  family style design love color
Three Kinds of Love

In the New Testament, Christ says to his disciples: "You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of yo...

Religion  religion love even
Universal Success Secrets Shared

Universal Success Secrets Shared by: Greg Reid Are there any universal laws that most successful people seem to follow? Great question, huh? With that in mind, Gregory Scott Reid, well-known speaker and two-time #1 best-selling author of, "The ...

Business And Finance  business finance success love life
The Bright Side of Loneliness

The Bright Side of Loneliness by: Thelma Mariano Recently a romantic relationship came to an end and I found myself alone again. The minutes, the hours now felt empty. For three weeks I sat beside a silent phone, rehashing the past and coming to...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation love give
Sex and the Single Mom

and the Single Mom by: Teri Worten Single moms, more so than anyone, have to be exceedingly careful about the type of man they select as life-long partners. No sensible woman wants to be judged soley on her appearence or sex appeal, right? Moreo...

Women  women love relationship donapost
A Lesson In Entrepreneurship From J. Paul Getty

What comes to mind when you hear the name J. Paul Getty?I'm sure if you're like most of us you think of big oil money. You've probably also heard various stories and anecdotes about the man and his life.If you thought about it a little...

Business And Finance  business finance think learn love game
A 21-step Path to Discover and Do What You Love with Your Life’s Work

In mid-life, many of us are unfulfilled in our lives and careers. We have a deep longing for change. We often feel that we’ve waited too long to pursue our dreams, and believe that we have no choice but to settle for our current lot in life. Choosi...

Business And Finance  business finance love life small start
Fun Tips For Winning Your Love Back

All these "win back your love" articles preach at you about how much hard work it's going to be to rekindle the love once lost, blah blah blah... Alright, but how about the fun part? Remember, we do get into relationships in the first place beca...

Relationships  relationships love show
Staffordshire Terriers: Are They Good Pets?

Staffy's or Staffordshire Terriers are a phenomenally strong and muscular dog, which are sometimes known as Pit Bull Terriers. The name is a has many connotations only one of which is generally true. Staffy's are boldly courageous and have ...

Pets And Animals  pets animals dogs love
When Guys Show Signs of Wanting to Know You Deeper

When you are so in love with a guy, you'll be thinking if he's also in love with you? This is one question which haunt many woman often. Not all men are good at relating or communication with women. When relationship are not handled well, t...

Relationships  relationships love there