183 articles on "mages"

Getting Your Digital Photos Ready For Sharing

Getting Your Digital Photos Ready For Sharing by: Valerie Goettsch One of the main reasons people buy digital cameras is so they can share their photos with others. Even if you are just going to print your photos for yourself, you will want them...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure photo photos images like
10 Tips on designing a fast loading web site

Tips and tricks on effective web designThe Number 1 rule that every web designer should follow is to create a fast loading web site. You might have a great design but very few people are going to see it if it takes a long time to load. While designin...

Web Development  development images load very
Web Legalities Bandwidth Stealing

Information (files) loaded to or from servers is called bandwidth. Everytime you upload a file to your ISP, surf the web or download a video, youare using bandwidth.Bandwidth is limited. Why? Because it actually is a bunch of wires or fibersconnectin...

Computers And Internet  computers internet data files images some
Graphics for the web GIF Format

The GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) format was invented in 1987 byCompuserve to allow images to be displayed. This format allows for 256colors (which was a lot at the time), compression, interlacing andanimation. It is a very powerful format, suita...

Web Development  development images image format colors very
How secure is your data Preventing the theft of your internet property.

Monday morning first thing and the phone rings. It’s a typical call, since the previous Thursday a small business has noticed that some of the images on it’s’ website are starting to appear on other sites. They know enough to understand that on...

Web Development  development images site
Writing Effective ALT Text For Images

Writing Effective ALT Text For Images by: Trenton Moss Anyone who knows anything about web accessibility knows that images need alternative, or ALT, text assigned to them. This is because screen readers can't understand images, but rather r...

Web Development  development image images screen
How to Prepare Images for Your Web Site – Part 1

You are staring at the your monitor waiting for the image todownload. It finally appears but it has blurry edges. You go tothe next page but can't read the text because of the dark imagein the background. The next page has animated images, that ...

Web Development  development image images color file site
Optimise your Site for the Search Engines Pt 2

6: The hidden benefits to having the right links.Every site online has an index or default file as its home page file. But outside of that rule you can name the other pages whatever you like. So why not cram the names with keywords and/or keyphrases ...

Web Development  development link image exercise equipment images
Photoshop CS The Automate Feature

If your problem is the tedious task of organization of your images and documents in your computer, then Photoshop CS Automate Feature will help you a great deal. It really is burdensome to manually create columns and rows to optimize your images and ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet images file
Using Images in Your Salesletter Three Tips Guaranteed

Placing just one or two carefully selected images within your salesletter can be worth thousands of dollars in sales. In fact, just one image that brings your eBook, software, audio product, or free bonus items to life can have a real impact on your ...

Business And Finance  business finance product sales images products