17 articles on "magnesium"

Build Health: Cut Through The Calcium Hype

Build Health: Cut Through The Calcium Hype by: William R. Quesnell The initial success of penicillin generated an assumption which has stuck with us as a cultural belief in the Quick Technological Fix. That assumption is: A single variable can b...

Health  health calcium osteoporosis media milk magnesium magic bullet
Preventing Osteoporosis

Preventing Osteoporosis  by: Kim Beardsmore Last month my 74-year-old mother while walking, tripped on a small tuft of grass, fell - and broke her rib! Her recovery has been painful, debilitating and at times depressing. It also affected my eld...

Women  women bones diet vitamin magnesium
Preventing Osteoporosis

Ezine Editors/Web Masters Please feel free to use my article as long as you keep the Author Bio, URL, links and content unchanged A courtesy copy of your publication or notification of your website would be most appreciated.http://leanmachine.org/&a...

Women  women bones vitamin system diet think magnesium
Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - ZMA

ZMA is a scientifically designed anabolic mineral formula containing zinc monomethionine aspartate, magnesium aspartate and vitamin B-6. Studies have shown that it has a clinical effect on testosterone levels when taken in a combination containing 30...

Health  health levels zinc testosterone magnesium studies thus
Preventing Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to become weak and brittle, making them prone to fractures and breaks. It affects millions of people worldwide, and it is a major cause of disability and pain in older adults. Fortunately, there are many ...

Women  women bones vitamin system diet think magnesium
Preventing Osteoporosis

As we get older, one of the health conditions we may need to look out for is osteoporosis. This is a bone disease that affects the density and strength of our bones. This can lead to weakened bones that are more prone to fractures. Women, in particul...

Women  women bones diet vitamin magnesium
Build Health: Cut Through The Calcium Hype

As we grow older, our bodies go through various changes, and one critical change that often happens is the loss of bone density, leading to several bone health issues such as osteoporosis, which affects women more commonly than men. These issues have...

Health  health calcium osteoporosis media milk magnesium magic bullet
Combat Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion

Combat Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion by: John Dawson Today, more than ever, consumers over the age of 50 are on some type of Pharmaceutical drug regimen, many of which promote healthier, longer lives. Unfortunately, many of these drugs also de...

Health  health vitamin acid drugs folic nutrients vitamins nutrient magnesium
Preventing Osteoporosis

Preventing Osteoporosis  by: Kim Beardsmore Last month my 74-year-old mother while walking, tripped on a small tuft of grass, fell - and broke her rib! Her recovery has been painful, debilitating and at times depressing. It also affected my eld...

Health  health bones diet vitamin magnesium
Calcium Magnesium: Biobalanced for Maximal Bone Support

Calcium Magnesium: Biobalanced for Maximal Bone Support by: Jeremy Maddock Balancing calcium with magnesium is an essential part of the effort to build and maintain strong and healthy bones. Although 99% of calcium is found in your bones, the ot...

Health  health calcium magnesium blood helping energy