6 articles on "palsy"

Delivery Mistakes – Cerebral Palsy

Delivery Mistakes – Cerebral Palsy by: T.Going Many experts believe that delivery mistakes lead to many cases of cerebral palsy. Sometimes, delivery mistakes are strictly because of the mother. For instance, premature deliveries have been docu...

Health  health palsy cerebral mistakes delivery
Bell's Palsy Managing to Save Face

What could be more central to our sense of self than our faces? So imagine what it would be like to watch powerlessly while half your face progressively droops like melted wax. That's what happens in Bell's palsy.Bell's palsy is a cond...

Health  health nerve face palsy weakness bellaposs side
Cerebral Palsy – General Information you should know.

Cerebral Palsy – General Information you should know.From the legal staff at Irom Law Copyright © 2005 Irom, Wittels, Freund, Berne & Serra, P.C. All Rights Reserved. Did you know that approximately 10,000 children born in the United States ea...

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Cerebral Palsy: Causes and Claiming Compensation

Cerebral Palsy refers to a set of neurological conditions that affect a child's movement and co-ordination. Children suffering from Cerebral Palsy display a wide range of debilitating symptoms, and often develop other related conditions like epi...

Legal  legal cerebral palsy conditions result injuries growth incontinence learning
Birth Injuries, Birth Defects, & Michigan Medical Malpractice Claims

Many types of injuries can occur during pregnancy, labor or after birth. Some of the most common types of birth injuries include cerebral palsy, erb's palsy, and brachial palsy. Birth trauma is an injury to the child during the delivery. Caring ...

Legal  legal birth injury injuries delivery medical palsy child
What Causes Cerebral Palsy?

What Causes Cerebral Palsy? by: T.Going What Causes Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral Palsy comes from a group of disorders that impede the brain’s control of our movement. The term ‘cerebral palsy’ is actually an umbrella term so there can actuall...

Health  health cerebral palsy causes brain child disorder cases