Eye Contact: Romantic Interest or Powerful Glance?by Kirstin CareyIf you ask a child if she took a cookie from the cookie jar, how will she respond if she is indeed guilty of stealing an Oreo? Of course, she will avoid eye contact as she tells you th...
Women women contact romantic people personYour Wealth Building Tools by: Cory Bain In order to become wealthy people need to have the right wealth mentality. The difference between Millionaires and the poor or middle-class is the focus on wealth accumulation and not material possessions...
Business And Finance business finance wealth mentor people investment mentalityWhy Should You Use Worksheets For Proofreading? by: Niall Cinneide Proofreading worksheets are a great tool to help individuals open their eyes to the mistakes that are commonly made. These are used to help teach a person how to spot mistakes in...
Writing writing spot mistakes errors proof peopleRecently, more and more people are becoming interested in learning how to do centering prayer. This is a prayer technique that is based on the traditions and teachings of the Christian church. In this method of prayer, participants attempt to let go ...
Religion religion word prayer practice people sessionSpeak With E’s Part 2 by: Sandra Schrift “Educate, Energize, Entertain, and provide an experience for your audience” 1. Use the “Rule of 3.” The most successful speakers limit their remarks to three major points. Here is where you us...
Business And Finance business finance audience people stories experience theyWhy Do You Want PR? by: Robert A. Kelly To get someone’s name in the newspaper or a product mention on a radio talk show? If that’s all you expect, fine. But that response tells me that, as a business, non-profit or association manager, you...
Business And Finance business finance perception audience people targetWinning the Traffic Exchange Game by: Shannon Herod Winning the traffic exchange game can be done. I was just starting out online and had no money so I was looking for a free way to drive traffic to my site. That is when I first found traffic ex...
Marketing marketing people traffic capture will1. Gain an advantage over your competition. Youshould find one benefit your competition doesn'toffer and use it as your main selling point.2. Design your e-zine so it creates multiple freeadvertising streams. Ask readers to forward it topeople t...
Business And Finance business finance online zine competition people givingPlease feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count is 1310 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © 200...
Business And Finance business finance perception behaviors people audienceDating in the New Millenium by: Melissa Seifert Over the past 20 years the face of dating has gone through some noticeable changes. Traditional methods of finding a date would be to rely on friends to play matchmaker or to attend bars, various d...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation people dating events face meet parties