Paul goes on to address divisions in the church. Why does he talk about divisions in the church? Shouldn't he be talking about love and unity among the brethren? Paul was committed to the truth. He believed Jesus when He said that "the truth wil...
Religion religion diversity church paul jesus peopleNew Leadership For A New War by: Brent Filson The author observes that the war on terror calls for a new kind of leadership. Just as the war is "asymmetrical", it needs "asymmetrical leadership" to help win it. Fortunately, such leadership doesn...
Business And Finance business finance leadership asymmetrical results leaders peopleThe REAL Secret to Success by: Angie Dixon I used to see a chiropractor who handed out a little leaflet entitled “Dr. Hickman’s Guide to Success in Business.” It was very nice, had his picture on the front and was professionally printed. O...
Business And Finance business finance things people likeHow to Keep PR Working for You by: Robert A. Kelly Managers in the non-profit, association and business worlds need to persuade outside audiences with the greatest impact on their operations to their way of thinking. And then move those external...
Business And Finance business finance relations public people perceptionChocolate and Heart Health – Fact or Fallacy? by: Nicholas Webb Wouldn’t it be wonderful if chocolate and heart health went hand in hand. However, there is so much information lately about the health benefits of chocolate that it is only nat...
Health health chocolate heart cholesterol cocoa people handCleaners and Our Health by: Axel Rodriguez Many people use strong cleaners or acid cleaners to make the house clean and to get hard to clean stains out, but people don't realize that many cleaners are bad for our health they contain ingredi...
Health health cleaners natural clean toxic people thoseDO YOU HAVE ACHY JOINTS? by: Jane Kriese Regardless of your age, you could have Arthritis. In North America over Fifty five million people suffer from this debilitating disease. Arthritis is an inflammation of one or more joints. It is character...
Health health life people arthritis usuallyOne day I was having a conversation with Kevin, one of the peoplethat works for me. Kevin is an excellent employee who is doingvery well, and I just had taken a minute to tell him he had donea good job on something. I feel it's very important to...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation people kevin itapossHocus Pocus...Your A Millionaire by: Dan J. FryHave you had a look lately at the different number of ways to make money on the internet? Where do you think the largest chunk of advertising to small online businesses is being focused? Ironically ...
Online Business online business people internet marketing throughCoaching is unique because it makes a special promise:transformation. At the root of any desire for personaldevelopment is the expectation that, every time they have anencounter with their coach, they have some how changed fromthe person they were in...
Business And Finance business finance coaching personal values person people