4,369 articles on "people"

Low Calorie Chocolate for a Nutritious Flavorful Dessert

People all over the world adore chocolate. Most people affiliate it with healthy snack that savors excellent. After various studies, it has been determined that chocolate can be good for the health. Did you know where cocoas come from? They come from...

Food And Drink  food drink chocolate sugar calorie people health
Lesson 2: How To Find Profitable Niche Markets

Lesson 2: How To Find Profitable Niche Markets by: Rob Rawson There are thousands of potential areas that you can focus on when you are starting a new Internet business. Some are likely to be hugely profitable; others will probably not make you ...

Business And Finance  business finance affiliate profitable people some
Create a Magic Connection with Clients, Leads, and Business Associates Part II

Create a Magic Connection with Clients, Leads, and Business Associates Part II by: Cora L. Foerstner Part I of this article explored how strategies of Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP) can be used to gain instant rapport with clients, leads, and...

Business And Finance  business finance words people voice
Helping You Choose From Cell or Land Line

Helping You Choose From Cell or Land Line by: Declan Tobin Most of us have two phones, our cell and our land line (house phone). Realistically many people are paying two bills when one is sufficient. The cell phone is still more expensive than t...

Computers And Internet  computers internet cell phone line land people coverage
Blogging Can Be A Collective Experience That Turns Faceless Strangers Into Close Friends. The Internet Is A Medium For A Revolutionary Change In How Humans Will Relate To Each Other In The Future.

Blogging Can Be A Collective Experience That Turns Faceless Strangers Into Close Friends. The Internet Is A Medium For A Revolutionary Change In How Humans Will Relate To Each Other In The Future. by: M6.NetI’ve been searching the Internet for...

Computers And Internet  computers internet people blogging these
Help for Diabetes, Gout and More

Help for Diabetes, Gout and More by: Loring Windblad Overview of Gout Gout is a systemic disease caused by the buildup of uric acid in the joints, causing inflammation, swelling, and pain. This condition can develop for two reasons. The liver m...

Health  health diabetes gout uric acid joint people
Diabetes Is Beatable - Part 1

Diabetes Is Beatable - Part 1 by: Yolanda Yvette McDonald Many people, like yourself, are either victims of or know people who are victims of diabetes. I myself have been diagnosed as Pre-Diabetic, so I have a chance to reverse things if I modif...

Health  health diabetes disease chromium people
Offline Advertising for Online Companies

Offline Advertising for Online Companies by: Michele Borowsky The goal of any business should be to reach the most amount of people possible with the right message at the right time and for the right reason. Many people with online companies are...

Online Business  online business people offline week
Self Publishing At The Speed Of Thought

Self Publishing At The Speed Of Thought by: Jack Humphrey Publishing, both electronic and hard copy, from articles to books, has come a long way in recent years. I used to be fascinated by anyone who had become a "real" author of a book. For tha...

Online Business  online business publishing published people
Making Cultural Differences Work in Your Business

Making Cultural Differences Work in Your Business by: Kit Lum Advancements in technology have made the world so much smaller, don’t you think? We used to be separated by mountains and oceans, color and culture. But now on the highways and bywa...

Online Business  online business people itaposs youaposre english time