4,369 articles on "people"

The Midnight Warrior

The Midnight WarriorBy Jenean MatthewsSo you're starting a home-based business. You realize that getting up everyday, day after day, using some of your skills and knowledge to prosper someone else more than yourself is not your calling in life. ...

Business And Finance  business finance people work willingself
Thump, Thump... Opportunity Knocks

According to research firm Ipso-Reid, an estimated 400 hundredmillion people use the web daily .So you must be wondering, "what about the other few billionpeople out there?"They "...have neither heard of the Internet nor have anyintention of going on...

Computers And Internet  computers internet people donapost online reasons
Dracula Marketing

You can learn a lot about marketing from Dracula. Draculahas done it all. He's made lots of different products. Andhe's made a killing (so to speak) in a lot of differentmarkets. You should try to do what Dracula has done.I just visited the...

Online Business  online business dracula movies people different like
Use Online Auctions to Promote Your Business!

When they first appeared on the scene, online auctions were usedmainly by people looking to get rid of old heirlooms orcollectors in niche markets (stuffed collectibles, etc.). Now,it seems like everyone is participating in online auctions.People are...

Online Business  online business auctions auction people
Success Tips for the Sales Professional

In one sense or another, we are all sales people. We sellproducts, we sell ideas, and we sell our skills and time. While most of us understand the basic concepts required tomake a sale, people who carry the title "Sales Professional"have additional r...

Marketing  marketing business people customers listen support network
How Psychic Are You?

How Psychic Are You? by: Sam Stevens To find out how psychic you are, try answering the following questions. Have you been attracted to the occult ever since you were a child? Do you often complete other people's sentences for them? D...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports people often
6 Useful Tips to Cut Wedding Costs

6 Useful Tips to Cut Wedding Costs by: Dulce Azogue Weddings are very nice occasions people want to attend to. But they can be time consuming and demand enormous attention on the part of the couple with lots of things to prepare for, in order fo...

Women  women wedding budget people
Cosmetic Surgery

There has been a dramatic increase in people seeking cosmetic surgery, according to the British Association of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons, with more and more men in particular seeking such operations. Increasingly popular are botox injections to ...

Health  health people treatment cosmetic surgery botox they
Tips for the Self-Proclaimed Guru

Tips for the Self-Proclaimed Guru by: Matt Bacak You have an inspiring message, a wonderful solution, or a great product. You have something people need. Now, you have to let them know about it. You want to teach people to think of you as a guru...

Online Business  online business people subject guru know
Debt Settlement Why the Critics Are Wrong

Debt Settlement Why the Critics Are Wrong by: Charles J. Phelan After October 17, 2005, a lot of people are going to become interested in debt settlement as an alternative to bankruptcy. That's the date the new bankruptcy law goes into eff...

Business And Finance  business finance debt settlement bankruptcy people