4,369 articles on "people"

Epidemic Uncontrollable

Today, as I write this, I am actually being a contradiction. In being myself, in doing what I do and mainly writing what I write. I was asking myself, as to, what was the greatest plague that strikes humanity in the 21st century and I found that its ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people around
Bringing Spirituality to the Workplace

What is spirituality in the workplace? Some companies would tell you that it is bringing your values to work and using them in everyday life. Values like honesty, integrity, and good quality work. Other companies would tell you it is treating each cu...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation companies work values people workplace
9 Tips for Marketing with Electronic Newsletters

1. COMMIT TO CREATING YOUR NEWSLETTERA Web site without a newsletter is like a car without amotor. It may look nice, but you're not going to getvery far.In order to market your business effectively you need asystem to attract prospects and then ...

Marketing  marketing newsletter prospects people
Tar and Tax

It wasn't but a few short years ago, especially in the south, that tobacco was many farmer's main crop and even preachers were known to smoke... and it was accepted. It was the tobacco industry that added ingredients to keep one hooked and...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation smoking donapost believe people
Web Hosting in 2005 - Finding the Niche and Cashing in!

Web Hosting in 2005 Finding the Niche and Cashing in!Over this past year, web hosting has grown to be the biggest it has ever been. With more companies appearing every day, the demand for web hosting has never been higher.In 2005, web hosting will be...

Web Development  development hosting people host affiliate industry
Keep 'Em Coming Back for More

Maybe you've already got good search engine placement. Maybe lots of sites have linked to you, and people are able to find your little piece of cyberspace without much trouble. However, once they've been there, do they ever come back?There ...

Web Development  development visitors post people offer contest
Women Only!

Three steps to your Personal Transformation:1)Awareness and Perception2)Law of Cause and Effect3)Law of AccumulationThese categories are what you need to understand in order to be in total control of your being!Most go through life never reaching the...

Women  women people around
California Vacations - What You Haven’t Seen

It is understandable why California attracts a lot of people. There it is warm and sunny most part of the year, Los Angeles is full of movie stars, rollerblading babes can be found all over the place in Venice Beach. Even if it is exaggerated, this p...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure california people author they
The Cost of Being Sick And One Possible Alternative

A lot of people I’ve talked with about health supplements usually are coming from about the same place - you know: “been there, done that.” People are tired of hearing about the latest and greatest and – for the most part - figure that all su...

Health  health people glyconutrition there
Setting Fees for Your Home Based Business

Many people assume that since you work from home you should charge less. I disagree - when you consider that most home based business people are supporting families, paying their own benefit package including medical and dental, and have increased li...

Business And Finance  business finance work people doing