This article does not discuss the legalities of affirmative action, I leave that to the courts. This article is solely about the philosophy of affirmative action. According to Wikipedia, affirmative action "is a policy or a program promoting the re...
Government government student aposblackapos people country aposwhiteapos wouldMaximize Profits By Pricing Your Home Right! by: Neeraj VarmaSetting a price is probably THE most important decision you will make when selling your house. A solid pricing strategy will sell your house quickly and for the most money possible. Th...
Business And Finance business finance house price selling people marketGood Friends, Great Life! by: Lin Miao While I was in high school, I developed this habit of always watching people and how they responded to things. When I’m walking, when I’m talking, and when I’m eating, I love to watch people. I don’...
Kids And Teens kids teens people alwaysYour Condensed Guide for Working a Room by: Oscar Bruce Working a room...if only it could be fun...or at least guaranteed productive. I am referring to that mandatory event that requires us to mix and mingle, to meet and greet. Command performa...
Marketing marketing people donapost event feelHow to Read A Person Like A Book by: Oscar Bruce The human mind is an innovative hybrid that allows us to anticipate the future - to think big thoughts. That's the good news. However, a growing number of psychologists and behavioral scien...
Marketing marketing people questions youaposve themMarketing or Selling Which Is More Important? by: C.J. Hayden A question I often get from clients and students goes something like this: "I've been collecting marketing ideas... and I have a drawer full! I also have a stack of promising le...
Marketing marketing leads peopleHow To Write Direct Mail That Really, Really Works! by: Julia Hyde So, you have something you want to sell. It may be a product, a service, or a cause. It could be a membership, a subscription, or a motor car. It might be paper, health products ...
Marketing marketing letter people lettersHow To Harness The Awesome, Unstoppable Power Of Persistence In 4 Easy Steps by: Murray Hughes The Awesome, Unstoppable Power Of Persistence Never underestimate the power of persistence! If you persist you really cannot fail. While you may fa...
Online Business online business persistence people willI received a very good question froma subscriber and I wanted to share it with you:"I have almost 500 people sigend up to receive my newsletterbut each time I send it 8-9 open it and 1 3 click onto thewebsite. Now what do I do?"Honestly, there could ...
Business And Finance business finance open gift people giveGet Rich Doing What Others Don't by: Roy Primm "The quickest way to wealth That I've found to be true; Is to stick out your chest Give your best And do what others don't like to do!" - Primm It's been said the difference ...
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