4,369 articles on "people"

Can Cyber Stalkers Harass People on Facebook?

There are an amazing amount of places on the internet that hundreds of people can go to meet new people, find relatives, and keep in touch with close family and friends. They also go to these websites to play games and engage in the many activities t...

Computers And Internet  computers internet cyber people email information
Internet Authors aren't Newspaper Columnists

The problem with the internet is that it changes so fast, and develops in so many different ways, that ordinary people have problems keeping up with it. Worse, they don't see new things as they are but instead, as reflections of things they are ...

Writing  writing people newspaper
Be a Storyteller, Not Just a Speaker

Be a Storyteller, Not Just a Speaker by: Sandra SchriftStories develop themes. The themes chosen to illustrate the possibility of stories are: Relationships, Choice, Creativity, Making a Difference, Celebration. Speakers are ordinarily people, f...

Business And Finance  business finance story stories people from
Are You the Culprit?

Are You the Culprit? by: Robert A. Kelly Are you a manager who pretty much ignores your organization’s important outside audiences? If that’s you, do you realize how difficult you’re making it to achieve the important behavior changes you...

Business And Finance  business finance perception public relations people audience
Email Etiquette 1

Email Etiquette 1 by: Kathie M. Thomas I thought it might be worth visiting some email etiquette for all as the majority of the readers of this newsletter are now on email. It is important to consider that when emailing people you are on show, ...

Business And Finance  business finance email people important

WHERE TO FOCUS YOUR MARKETING by: Charlie Cook Imagine that you ran an ad, mailed a brochure, or sent an email ad to a new list of people who fit your target market profile and everyone who saw it responded right away and made a purchase. Has t...

Marketing  marketing prospects people clients they

We hope that the following article may be informative and/or helpful for your e-zine, or on your web site. Craig Lock's other articles (internet marketing, self help, writing and money) are available at:http://www.bridgeniche.com/ebooks/Ebooks.h...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation money donapost believe people
A Common Sense Approach to Job Interviews

As a person who has been on both the job seeker side and the employer end it is amazing how many people throw any chance of getting hired right out the window before they even say a word.There are thousands of books out their telling you how to memor...

Business And Finance  business finance interview people likee
Do You "Work To Live" or "Live To Work"?

Do You "Work To Live" or "Live To Work"? by: Charlotte Burton Let’s be realistic here - hands up all of you who bounce out of bed every single morning, raring to get to work and enjoying yourself every minute of the day? If you didn’t put y...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people work doing
Discrimination - The First Law of Success

Discrimination - The First Law of Success by: Oscar Bruce As the author of personal development publications distributed world wide, I am frequently asked why certain people seem to succeed at practically everything they attempt, while others fa...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people words conversation make