Most insurance forms have a clause for an "act of God." That is a legal term for events outside of human control, such as sudden floods or other natural disasters, for which no human being can be held responsible. But why are those things attributed ...
Religion religion people natural disastersPeople who suffer depression often have their own distinctive ways to explain what it is like. You may be able to relate to that since everyone feels depressed about something at one time or another. On the other hand in we are primarily interested i...
Health health depression people depressed aboutWhen you spend a day at the mall, you see people with body piercings. Perhaps you see someone with a nose ring. Another may have a belly button ring. In fact, you may see people with some really crazy body piercing. Is there any reason that people sh...
Kids And Teens kids teens piercing people piercingsGive People What They Want And Watch Your Profits Soar! by: Dean Phillips Do you know why the majority of people use the Internet? The majority of people use the Internet to do some type of research. In other words, to read. Now, how can you u...
Computers And Internet computers internet articles content people themeThe Problems with Blogs by: Jesse S. Somer What in the world is up with the world of blogs? Blogs are meant to be this great new technology where people can share their ideas and interests with others around the globe. As far as I’m concerned ...
Computers And Internet computers internet blogs blog people onlySo you want to climb a Colorado “Fourteener” by: Diane Winger Have you caught the bug yet? The desire to climb a mountain with a summit rising at least 14,000 feet above sea level has reached near-epidemic proportions in Colorado, with estim...
Recreation And Sports recreation sports water colorado people mountains summitDeep by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of February 10, 2003 There is a guy on the train I am very attracted to, and he is attracted to me as well. We see each other at least once a week on the train going to work, but we ...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation people medication otherselfI'm constantly reading articles on the internet and in financial magazines in which so-called financial planning experts express perplexity as to why about 30% of employees do not participate in their employers’ 401(k) plans. These writers don...
Business And Finance business finance savings money accounts people lifetime account(NextGen FICO Scores)New FICO Score eases bad credit repair as FICO Corp. 'relaxes' scoring model.Bad credit folks who sign up for Credit Counseling or Debt Consolidation plan hear this a lot: "your Beacon score is too low...", "you must im...
Business And Finance business finance credit fico score people scores corp ratesHow to deal with Menieres diseaseMenieres disease is a disorder of the inner ear thats among the most common causes of dizziness.Symptoms include episodic vertigo (attacks of a spinning sensation, including dizziness), hearing loss, tinnitus (a roari...
Health health tinnitus menieres attacks vertigo reduce people