4,369 articles on "people"

Don't Spend Father's Day Asking Yourself 'Where is my Son'

There are many family members that lose contact with each other, and for various reasons. In many of these cases the reasons are often silly when you look back at them years later. Nothing is truer than when it comes to fathers and sons who stop spea...

Family  family fatheraposs search people
Tongues, Part 1

The gift of tongues is difficult to understand, not because it is shrouded in mystery, but because there is so much historical confusion about it. The first difficulty is to understand what it is, to define it correctly biblically. We will use the i...

Religion  religion glossolalia people biblical saul
The Characteristics of a Winner

The Characteristics of a Winner by: Clyde Dennis As kind of a hobby I like to watch people. Just kind of sit back and quietly watch how they react and respond to others and their environment. Through the course of this activity I've noticed...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation winners people emotions
Who Are The Underminers?

Who Are The Underminers? by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. How many of you had the experience growing up of being told in various ways to limit yourselves from being all you can be? The movie “The Incredibles” is a wonderful metaphor for this. In thi...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people underminer underminers from
Google AdWords Like Playing The Lottery

A "dollar and a dream," is all you need said the television commercial. The lure of the Lottery is a seductive one: plunk down a dollar and you might become a millionaire for life. The promise of "pennies from heaven" makes the Lottery a daily habit...

Marketing  marketing google adwords money people advertisers lottery

Anyone who has ever succeeded in doing business on the Internethas discovered the importance of finding their niche market.Finding your niche market means discovering which product orservice to sell, and then locating the people that are interestedin...

Marketing  marketing niche masks people offer
8 Ways To Increase The Perceived Value Of Your

Almost everyone is giving away a freebie so they canattract people to their web site. They are giving awayfree e-zines, ebooks, services, etc. What's happeningto all this free stuff? It's loosing it's perceived value.Every time you sur...

Marketing  marketing freebie freebies value people only
Web Accessibility and Your Business

One of the things I find I’m most often fighting with my peers and competitors is the need for your website to be accessible. An Accessible website is a website that caters to the needs of disabled individuals and people using alternative web brows...

Web Development  development accessible people websites like
You Don't Get a Second Chance!

You Don't Get a Second Chance! by: Chad Zetrouer If you don't want to see your Pitbull put to sleep or even shot, please read this article. I'm sure you're aware of the bad reputation Pitbulls have. That reputation is mostly ...

Pets And Animals  pets animals pitbull pitbulls people
Buy Cheap Beer Online Or Through Membership Groups

Peoples having nearby local pub bar or liquor store often thinks why should we want to buy beer online? Well if we are an expert on the taste of beer, then we would like to try different kinds of pubs bar or liquor stores providing variety in tastes ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet beer people beers