4,369 articles on "people"

The Power Is In The Pipes: How To Get Maximum Leverage From Your Website

The Power Is In The Pipes: How To Get Maximum Leverage From Your Website by: Michael Southon What is the most important part of your online business? Many people would say: "my website". And that’s understandable – it’s the most visible pa...

Online Business  online business list people email autoresponder most
Public Relations Converting the Non-Believers

What’s the real reason some managers shy away from public relations? I believe it’s because they don’t understand, or believe, the direct connection between what public relations is capable of delivering and their need to achieve specific busin...

Business And Finance  business finance public relations companys behaviors people those
Guidelines for surviving and even thriving in the online recession

As a Baby Boomer in good standing, I've seen recessions before lots of 'em. The first recession I remember was 1958 and theeffect it produced on the Republican Party. (I sure hope GeorgeW took American History at Yale, but I doubt he rememb...

Business And Finance  business finance recession people economic
How to Jump-start Your Emotional Health

How to Jump-start Your Emotional Health by: Patricia Wagner You've probably heard the expression: "It's not what you're eating. It's what's eating you!" This well-known saying reminds us that the thoughts we entertain ca...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation youaposre cheerful people
Lessons in Love for the Shy at Heart

Lessons in Love for the Shy at Heart by: Jennifer G. Smith One of the biggest regrets of my life is that I was cursed with the shyness gene. Shyness is an often misunderstood condition that can leave the afflicted alone and miserable. As a victi...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation shyness people
Desire, Descopline, Dedication

DESIRE, DISCIPLINE & DEDICATIONcopyright (c) Pavel LenshinSomewhere I read an instructive speculation aboutexceptional role that dedication or perseverance as well asdesire play in any self-made entrepreneur's life.Indeed. There are many smart p...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people dedication desire business
Online Bagpipe Tuition In Your Own Home !

Bagpipe Tuition In Your Own Home !Launch date April 1st.I have been teaching music for many years and always thought that there must be a better way of reaching more people who have a desire to learn a musical instrument but who have no idea of how t...

Online Business  online business people bagpipes world play
The Back Pain of Search

If you've ever suffered from back pain you'll relate to the grief that I discuss in this article. You'll relate even more if your back pain started on the onset of your SEM career. Not surprisingly, mine did.Don't get me wrong, I...

Web Development  development content original industry people want
Increase Acknowledgment for More Ease in Your Relationships

In a program on "Power Thinking for Better Living," there was a woman named Sherry in the audience—and she was frustrated. She said she was doing a decent job of managing her life; her problem, she stated, was her husband and her teenage son. She c...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation sherry people will
How Happy Are YOU At Work

77% of Americans enjoy the time they spend away from their jobs more than the hours they spend working, according to a recent Gallup study. Do you experience any of these conflicts while at work?While working on a task do you feel mentally "pulled" i...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people work behavioral