4 articles on "praying"

How To Stop Your Cat Spraying

How To Stop Your Cat Spraying by: Marc de Jong The cat backs up to the door, lifts the tail and releases a fine spray of urine. Yes, your cat is spraying. You have a problem. But one you can solve. Figures from the British Association of Pet Beh...

Family  family spraying urine spray like
The Power of a Praying Parent

The Power of a Praying Parent engages in faith as the starting point and the basis by which other graces of the spirit dwells. A praying parent is there to advice their children on the discipline of the word of God because there is vital necessity f...

Religion  religion faith prayers children praying parent
Praying Power: Realising Your Inner Power in Prayers

Praying Power is energy and is a wonderful spiritual activity. When praying effectively, you are engaged in deeper level prayers from within, the whole being is involved and this includes the mind, body and soul. Absolute wholeheartedness in prayer...

Religion  religion faith prayer praying power
Applying Praying Power Secrets In Your Daily Prayer Life

Did you know that Praying Power when directed properly can literally transform your life, and this simple but very effective method of communing with God and yourself on a deeper level has been practiced for many centuries till this day? Why do you ...

Religion  religion power praying life prayer when