5,103 articles on "puter"

Don't Use FFA's To Build Your Newsletter Subscriber List

For those of you who aren't familiar with the term, The initials FFA stand for "FREE For All" and my advice would be don't waste your time! FFA's DON'T WORK! FFA sites are directories where anyone can place their ad for free. And...

Computers And Internet  computers internet newsletter email release people
All about Orkut.com

Recently Google has created a new affiliation with another website that has people talking. Orkut.com is a website designed specifically for friends. Its designed more like a community than as a website. The whole impetus for Orkut.com is to make con...

Computers And Internet  computers internet orkutcom people join
Is Spyware Watching You

Imagine my surprise when I received a phone call from afriend who told me he'd been the victim of a "spyware"attack that left him shaking at his loss of privacy. I listened to his horror story with a sympathetic ear, butI felt secure since I car...

Computers And Internet  computers internet computer spyware software programs program
Philip Emeagwali - A father of the internet

In 1974, Philip Emeagwali read a 1922 science fiction article about how to use 64,000 mathematicians scattered around the world to forecast the weather for the whole world. The theory intrigued him and 15 years later he developed a theory, the HyperB...

Computers And Internet  computers internet emeagwali theory work world they
Workplace Security Plan Does Your Company Have One

The Consultant's Perspective...The threat of violence whether it emanates from a disgruntled employee or the threat of terrorism require both a concerted and an individual response. Terrorism in any form is terrorism. Having been exposed to the ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet terrorist security employee process they
Cyber Warfare

In these days of all-out combat in Afghanistan, terrorist attacks in NewYork and Anthrax in Washington, it's easy to lose one's perspective. I knowI've become addicted to checking the major news web sites several times aday. I now list...

Computers And Internet  computers internet security systems itaposs
Have The Anti Spam Groups Lost Touch With Reality

Every time I think the anti spam hysteria has gone as faras they can to make marketer's lives miserable, they proveme wrong and push the envelope even further.The sad part of this problem is there are so many marketersthat sympathize with them. ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet situation from

You think spam is annoying ? Let me tell you a spam story thatis beyond annoying and well past anger - and it isn't aboutreceiving a few annoying advertisements in your Inbox. It'sabout a particular internet species whom I shall call amateu...

Computers And Internet  computers internet spam newsletter site
Thumb Drives - Great New Technology!

Thumb Drives - Great New Technology!The ability to easily move data from PC to PC with minimal inconvenience is just another benefit computers have brought to the current business world.Over the past few years, the different options to save and move ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet data drive drives pcaposs
Finding the best search engine

With Billions of pages on the internet how do you find exactly what is that you are looking for? Chances are you have stumbled across different search engines, and maybe even used and tried out a few of them. Aside from look and feel which search eng...

Computers And Internet  computers internet search looking different