763 articles on "relationships"

How to Stop Her Cheating Before She Starts

Given the intense pain that cheating creates; many men are wondering whether it is possible to prevent the occurrence in the first place. Can you stop her cheating before she starts? If you focus on stopping her from cheating, then you are actually m...

Relationships  relationships wife cheating
18 Signs He Loves You

Whether you have recently got into a relationship or enjoying long term relationship, you would want to be sure if your man loves you or he is losing interest in you. To know this, you need to concentrate on signs he loves you. Typically, men are no...

Relationships  relationships loves signs attention relationship
Rising Trends of Colombian Dating Sites

Online dating, which is popularly known as cyberspace dating allows individuals to communicate with each other over the Internet with an objective to develop a relationship. Through Email and chat, you can come across the most beautiful and stunning ...

Relationships  relationships dating sites colombian women from
Codependent Relationships Takers and Caretakers

The following article is offered for free use in your ezine, print publication or on your web site, so long as the author resource box at the end is included, with hyperlinks. Notification of publication would be appreciated.Title: Codependent Relati...

Family  family caretakers feelings relationships
In Bed With a Stranger

We're told we don't know someone until we've lived with them but there have been too many stories that prove that, even then, we don't really know the person. We may know their hot buttons, their favorite color, their thinking pat...

Relationships  relationships donapost years someone
Recovering From Infidelity - How To Get Over Being Angry At Your Spouse For Cheating

It's devastating to find out that the person you love has stepped outside the marriage and had an affair. Understandably you feel anger and resentment toward your spouse for betraying you, and you have every right to your angry feelings. Anger h...

Relationships  relationships spouse marriage feelings anger
Getting Back Together With An Ex Girlfriend

Not many guys have the kind of nerve to try to get an ex girlfriend back. Well, OK, stalkers and creeps, but regular guys generally figure it was trouble enough getting a girl once. If you're here trying to find out how to go about getting back ...

Relationships  relationships problem again
After The Affair - Should You Give Your Cheating Spouse Another Shot?

An affair is an extremely hard thing to face and to get over, and there will come a time when you must decide whether or not you're willing to give your cheating spouse a second chance. This is not going to be an easy decision to make as there a...

Relationships  relationships spouse affair marriage whether
Get a Guy To Commit - How To Tell Him That You Want a Commitment

Can you get a guy to commit by telling him that you want commitment? Perhaps you are secretly wondering if your man is committed to you and hoping that he is. This is something of a problem for women in relationships as we tend to want the commitment...

Relationships  relationships commit donapost commitment wait
7 Signs Your Wife is Cheating

There are times when you may suspect that your wife is cheating. Instead of living in a state of doubt and suspicion, you should know the important signs that will help you to determine that she is indeed cheating. However, you should not jump to con...

Relationships  relationships wife signs cheating