763 articles on "relationships"

Technology Aided Infidelity

At 5:00 pm he called his wife to tell her he will have supper with co workers and then go to a client meeting. Her innocent response is "Have a great night, see you later". At 5:15 he left his office and is headed to a small city some thirty miles fr...

Relationships  relationships wife marriage about
Discover What Makes a Woman Cheat on Her Husband

Cheating is becoming sadly common in relationships, and one of the concerns that men have is what makes a woman cheat. However, given the fact that people used to believe that wives rarely cheat on their husbands, this question has not been much of a...

Relationships  relationships wife cheating feel
Top Typical Habits of Women that Put Off the Men

Breakups are very often today and this is a sad truth. A breakup can be a big cause for an emotional trauma for both parties involved but in most cases it is harder on the women. This is because women being sentimental by nature are bound to feel mor...

Relationships  relationships women relationship being
I'd Rather Talk About Me

It has been my observation that people are not very good listeners and they are usually not interested in other people unless it has some direct bearing on their own lives. When they ask you how you are, they expect you to say, "I'm fine, thanks...

Relationships  relationships talking people interested
Dating Success - Your 6 Point Quality Assurance Checklist for a Successful Relationship

Still searching for dating success? If you're in a new relationship and you're not sure where it's headed, perhaps you should try putting the man in your life through some quality assurance tests to see whether he's the one for yo...

Relationships  relationships relationship heaposs change itaposs
Caught Cheating? Here Are Three Things to Tell Your Wife

As much as getting caught cheating will greatly hurt your spouse, it does not necessarily have to mark the end of your marriage. Of course, you should be prepared to spend some cold nights, but you can still work things out and re-establish a good re...

Relationships  relationships wife things tell
Dating for Parents - Knowing the Right Guy

Are you looking for a man at a dating for parents site that can accept you? What qualities are you looking for? What qualities SHOULD you be looking for? Now that you are confident enough to go into Single Parents Dating, it is now time to talk about...

Relationships  relationships dating parents single
3 Things That Determine Your Husband No Longer Loves You

There is a common saying that life is not made up of roses rather it is filled with thorny cactuses, which pricks our body hard. Since the paths are filled with confusions and obstacles often, it is seen that the life of many couples do not follow th...

Relationships  relationships life moment honeymoon filled
Christian Marriage Advice - Don't Rely on Prayer to Solve Your Christian Marriage Crisis

We all know that over 50% of marriages end in divorce. Are you aware that the divorce rate for Christians is even slightly higher than the divorce rate for non-Christian marriages? Although there is dispute as to the reasons behind this, the facts re...

Relationships  relationships marriage christian faith advice
Get Husband Back - How To Use Easy Reverse Psychology To Get Your Ex Back

You don't need to be a clinical psychiatrist to use reverse psychology to win your ex back. While it sounds a bit sophisticated, it really isn't. All that you're doing is utilizing some easy tactics designed to get your ex to stop igno...

Relationships  relationships them