704 articles on "religion"

Make the Hurt Go Away!

Remember running to your mommy or daddy when you were hurt, expectantly asking: "Make the hurt go away!" You somehow knew they had the power. A kiss, a comforting lap, or a quiet word would often chase away the hurt. What happened as you grew up? Hu...

Religion  religion hurt words pain hurts wisdom word hurtful
The Winter Solstice Celebrations With Meditations, Decorations & Incense

Winter Solstice or Mid Winter comes around in the Northern hemisphere, or much of the Western World, on December 21st. This is a magical time of the year and throughout the ages of mankind religions have gravitated toward this date to hold major cer...

Religion  religion winter solstice mirror meditation
Pray That We Hear Gods Whisper In Our Lives

Did you know that God Speaks to us on a daily basis? Yes, but sometimes due to the hectic lives we live these days some people don't schedule any quiet or prayer time, let alone have time to meditate on Gods words in their lives? Finding Time ...

Religion  religion power time life prayers
Christ's Way of Salvation

Did you know that Christ has His own way of Saving men on the day of God's wrath? Born Again Christian believe that by just believing Christ and accepting Him as a personal savior is enough for us to be saved. Other sects and churches also said...

Religion  religion christ church saved ibid enter
Cattle Mutilations and other Blood sacrifices and the reason for Wars and Battles

Cattle Mutilations really started taken off in the 1960's and continues to present day. The cows are found dead with all of the blood removed. Precise "laser-precision" cuts are observed in the mutilated cattle. They have had certain organs surg...

Religion  religion cattle sacrifice physical cows
Tongues, Part 2

If Paul's use of tongues does not mean glossolalia in the contemporary or Delphic sense, what does it mean? The Greek word simply means tongue, the instrument of speech. And by implication and common use at the time it was written, it referred t...

Religion  religion languages tongues foreign hebrew about
A Guide for Youth Ministry Resources

In order to sustain growth, or at least maintain the present levels in church membership from generation to generation, it is vitally important to focus on the special religious needs of young people. With that in mind you will see that there are an ...

Religion  religion youth ministry resources there

REVELATION 18 1 I saw another angel come from heaven. This one had great power, and the earth was bright because of his glory. (THIS IS THOUGHT TO BE ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ANGELS IN HEAVEN,GABRIEL) 2 The angel shouted, "Fallen! Powerful (CITY OF...

Religion  religion earth evil heaven city
With First Communion Favors Your Kids Holy Day Will Sure Be A Success

Party supplies and other things that you'll need are probably something you are thinking about if you have a First Communion for your child soon. You'll be making guest lists, planning which type of party supplies that you'll need and ...

Religion  religion communion party favors want
We Muslims & Islam

Islam is a divine message from Allah Almighty for the entire humankind. The structures (Pillars) that would support the building of Islam would have to be strong, purposeful, powerful and pragmatic. This is because that Islam is not a dogma, but imag...

Religion  religion allah almighty islam follow