God's grand plan unfolds through the exercise of the ordinary means of grace Word and Sacrament in the midst of His people who make use of their God-ordained gifts, and are intended to bring blessing to us and glory to God through ordinary liv...
Religion religion gifts gift unity valuable diversityThe Human has been created in the just centre of the values in the universe. He is one of the most honourable of the Creatures. He is a dear and respected existence. If we can understand the human in a correct way, it becomes possible to understand a...
Religion religion dimension human mind events fromProfessing Christians thought that Christ died for the sins of all men on earth. They're even thinking that by just calling the name of Christ, repenting for their sins and accepting Christ as their personal savior is enough, so that their sins ...
Religion religion christ church blood sins ibidMany people who believe in God and in the immortality of human soul want to be saved. Believers of many faiths usually try to go by the rules given to them by their religion to obtain Salvation. But are these rules right and good enough to make one b...
Religion religion saved people suffering lifeSurrendering seems to be the last thing you'd want to do when it comes to your mental health. After all, "Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8 NIV)." But there is a place for surrender...
Religion religionever trials things trustThe future of the earth lies in our hands, and not only in our hands but in our hearts, our minds, and in the ability that each of us has to contribute to the vast network of light and of consciousness of which we form a part. This network includes e...
Religion religion heart life network mankindTwo Types of Spirituality... Faith and Knowledge by: Edward B. Toupin The term "spirituality" is a confusing term. Usually, when one mentions "spirituality", the first thought in many people's minds is that of "religion". While religion is ...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation spirituality knowledge religion based informationThis message and devotion to Jesus as The Divine Mercy is based on the writings of Saint Faustina Kowalska, an uneducated Polish nun who, in obedience to her spiritual director, wrote a diary of about 600 pages recording the revelations she received ...
Religion religion mercy divine devotion message everyThe Power of a Praying Parent engages in faith as the starting point and the basis by which other graces of the spirit dwells. A praying parent is there to advice their children on the discipline of the word of God because there is vital necessity f...
Religion religion faith prayers children praying parentRevelation 10 1 I saw a powerful angel come down from heaven. This one was covered with a cloud,(THIS CAN REFER TO WHAT IS CALLED THE "GLORY OF GOD") and a rainbow (THIS IS A SYMBOL FOR PEACE AND MERCY) was over his head. His face was like the sun, ...
Religion religion angel scroll heaven hand voices