704 articles on "religion"

Angels Bridge The Gap

In the history of the world, there have always been great gaps, separators which isolate one land mass from another. As a result of these natural boundary lines, countries have been formed; ethnic cultures have developed; physical and social separati...

Religion  religion angels jesus
Locating Bible Studies for Children

Do you know anything about the Bible? I used to go to church on Sundays. I was baptized a Christian when I was a child and my parents used to bring me to church every Sunday. However, when I was in high school I began to lose interest in religious ma...

Religion  religion bible church book were
Hope: the Encourager

Hope is the master encourager. It nudges you forward; it keeps you anticipating the desired outcome. Hope is much more than 'a-hoping and a-praying', knock-on-wood, cross-your-fingers kind of wishful thinking. No! The Biblical Hope is the ...

Religion  religion hope faith love things patience
Traveling On

Five weeks of bombing between Lebanese Hezbollah and the State of Israel ended in a fragile ceasefire last week that seems to be holding itself together. Since the ceasefire began on August 14, passages have been opening for delivery of humanitarian ...

Religion  religion people world children through
Have You Overlooked These 4 Dream Fulfilling Bible Verses About Reading The Bible?

If you want to know some Bible verses about reading the Bible that can help you fulfill all your dreams according to the promises that God attached to Bible reading that make good things pursue you as apposed to you breaking your back trying to pursu...

Religion  religion bible lord thou
Because Of Freedom And Democracy, The West Can Never Win The War On Terror

Since America's formation in 1776, "The Bill of Rights" is cherished in the heart of every American. The article deals with the doctrine of religious freedom and diversity and expresses the following: "Congress shall make no law respecting an e...

Government  government religion american religious muslims after
Catholic Recommended Reading

When a person reflects on his or her life, they see key events marking each phase: passing their driving test, getting their diploma, getting married and having kids. The same way, a faithful Catholic looks back and sees the reception of each of the ...

Religion  religion bible children catholic stories will
Why Hypnosis Is Complementary to Your Faith

Many people are unsure as to how hypnosis "fits" with their faith, values or morals. The fact is that hypnotherapy, in and of itself, does not contradict a person's faith. The fear which some people have is in fact caused by a misunderstanding o...

Religion  religion hypnosis mind state when
The Second Key To Getting What You Want

His mind was racing and he just couldn't believe what was happening. The father had brought his son to the disciples so that they could heal him, but not only had his son not been healed, the disciples were now arguing with the teachers of the L...

Religion  religion faith father jesus things
Out of the Shadow of Death

Last week brought forth a moment of joy few expected to see so soon, if ever again. Bob Woodruff returned to the ABC News studios for a surprise visit to his colleagues, the first since he was injured in a roadside bombing attack in January while cov...

Religion  religion jesus lazarus woodruff when