704 articles on "religion"

The Psychous Drive to Survive

When you receive the Seal God will give you psychous Life. But you need to give up your life in this world in order to find your psychous Lifethe Life of your soul. When you are sealed you put Jesus first. Usually you will want to, since He is the O...

Religion  religion life psychous jesus because

Revelation 22 1The angel showed me a river ( THIS IS A REFERENCE TO THE HOLY SPIRIT) that was crystal clear, and its waters gave life.The river came from the throne where God and the Lamb (JESUS) were seated. 2 Then it flowed through the city's...

Religion  religion jesus book holy come
The Use of the Native American Talking Stick

Native Americans hold a fascination to certain objects. The symbolism of the talking stick is really interesting. They use various kinds of items to do things and to create organization and order in their lives and to avoid disputes. Take a look and ...

Religion  religion talking native people unique
Mediums - What Are They?

A medium is a parapsychological professional dedicated to proving the existence of the persistence of human consciousness after death, by communicating with the spirits of the deceased. This communication usually comes about in the form of some sort ...

Religion  religion mediums part
Love Endures

In 1 Corinthians 13 the very first gift that Paul sets love over and against is tongues. In Paul's day as in ours tongues was a special concern. Two kinds of tongues are mentioned here: tongues of men and tongues of angels. This is the only time...

Religion  religion love christian paul christ patience
The Neighborly Thing To Do

While browsing through the website for my hometown newspaper, the Door County Advocate, I found myself drawn to the Traveling Back section, an impromptu history lesson of Midwestern sensibilities about small town life ranging back ten, twenty, and so...

Religion  religion neighbor jesus lawyer people back
How do you Meditate?

Learning how to meditate is something that many people want to do in order to help them cope with the feeling of stress and overwork. Stress in our lives makes us tired, unhappy, frustrated, impatient, and just downright miserable. It can cause us to...

Religion  religion meditate learning mind meditation
Trinitarian Resurrection I

Paul's argument here regarding the body of resurrection is analogous similar, even identical to his argument about the body of Christ dealt with earlier (1 Corinthians 10-12). The argument stands on or is based upon the reality of the Trinity....

Religion  religion paul reality seed question trinitarian
Marriage and Christianity

The Jesus you know about is the Jesus that you can know personally, that you can have a relationship with. Our Lord Jesus is as present to us today as He was 2,000 years ago or even more present. Jesus still heals His people. When He ascended into he...

Religion  religion jesus lord things start
5 Hanukkah Quotes to Celebrate an Amazing Religious Holiday

It's that time of year and what better way to celebrate the holiday of Hanukkah than with some inspiring and uplifting Hanukkah quotes? Miracles are in short supply, and a jug of oil refilling itself for eight days is something to remember for e...

Religion  religion hanukkah holiday year light itaposs